A Courageous New Year: Finding Strength and Purpose

As a new year begins, many of us find ourselves contemplating resolutions and seeking guidance for the year ahead. In a powerful conversation on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, host Yvette Hampton welcomes Heidi St. John to discuss New Year's resolutions, the importance of faith, and the role of parents in shaping the next generation. In this post, we dive into the insightful conversation, highlighting key takeaways and Heidi's thought-provoking advice that will inspire and encourage you on your own resolution journey.

Watch or listen to part 1 here.

Recognizing God's Plan and Trusting Him:

Is our nation overdue for judgement? Heidi St. John believes that our nation has tested God's mercy for too long, and is now reaping the consequences of his judgement. This realization serves as a call to action for Christians to seek God's will in all areas of life, their personal faith and obedience education, how they are stewarding their families, how they are interacting in culture, how they are engaging in the civic process, and how they are living out the great commission. Heidi states, "Our job is to say 'yes' to God and allow Him to guide us, even when we feel scared or inadequate." This reminder challenges us to step out in faith, trusting in God's in his strength, rather than ours, to live out his purpose for our lives. Despite the difficulties and uncertainties we may encounter, we can find strength knowing that God is ultimately in control and will work "all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Finding Strength in Weakness:

"The Bible says that his strength is found in weakness. And so I love to tell homeschool moms, do you feel weak right now? Congratulations. You're exactly where God wants you because he wants the glory."

Heidi St. John

Watch or listen to part 2 here.

Heidi recognizes the pressure parents often feel to be perfect. Addressing this struggle, she encourages honesty and authenticity in parenting, stating, "It is okay to be transparent with our children about the challenges we face in life." As parents, we can find solace in our weaknesses by leaning on God and allowing Him to work through us. By acknowledging our need for His grace, we can model humility and dependence on Him for our children.

The Power of the Word of God:

Heidi St. John's newly released book, "Mom Strong 365," is a 365-day devotional that beautifully exemplifies the importance of grounding our lives in God's Word. Describing her motivation behind writing the book, Heidi shares, "I wanted to offer a tool for encouragement and strengthening faith in moms, pointing them back to Scripture and the work of Jesus in my own life." The devotional serves as a supplement to Scripture, providing daily encouragement and reminders of God's goodness and faithfulness.

Engaging in Community and Civic Responsibility:

Heidi and Yvette also discuss the importance of being informed and involved in our communities, particularly when it comes to politics and education. Heidi emphasizes that Christians belong in every sphere of influence, including politics, education, and entertainment. She encourages Christians to engage in the political process and participate in local elections, such as city council and school board races. Heidi remarks, "Our involvement is crucial, even if we don't always win. It is about being faithful and speaking up for biblical values."

Watch or listen to part 3 here.

Making Time for the Lord:

"It's amazing to me. I wake up in the morning and my Bible weighs a thousand pounds and my phone weighs two ounces. And I think it's our human nature... It's so important that we're honest about it because it's a spiritual battle. So from the minute we wake up in the morning, we need to understand that it's the enemy's number one goals to keep us from communicating and talking with and leaning into our relationship with the Lord."

Heidi St. John

One recurring theme throughout the conversation is the necessity of carving out time for the Lord amidst the busyness of daily life. Heidi acknowledges the challenges of finding time in a packed schedule and the distractions that come with it. She shares, "We need to prioritize starting our day with the Lord, as it sets the tone for the rest of the day." Heidi's reminder prompts us to be intentional about spending time in God's Word, understanding that it is vital to know Him and pass on our faith to our children.

As we embark on a new year filled with unknowns and daunting challenges, we pray that these insights will offer perspective, encouragement, and inspiration. The power of recognizing God's plan, finding strength in weakness, immersing ourselves in His Word, engaging in our communities, and making time for the Lord all contribute to a life that glorifies Him. Let us embrace this New Year's resolution journey, knowing that God goes before us and that He equips us for every step along the way.

Recommended Resources:

Check out Heidi's new book, The Mouse & The Sea, from Brave Books!

MomStrong 365: A Daily Devotional to Encourage and Empower Everyday Moms, by Heidi St. John

More books from Heidi St. John

Heidi St. John - Off The Bench Podcast



More from Heidi St. John on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast

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Discussion Questions:

1. How can we respond biblically to the sinful culture we live in, while still maintaining hope and trust in God?

2. Discuss the role of fear in hindering our faith and obedience. How does God's word tell us to address fear?

3. How do comparisons and the pressure to be perfect affect parents? How can we cultivate a healthy perspective in our parenting?

4. How does social media impact our ability to focus on our individual callings and stay true to our faith? Is it possible to be intentional about using social media in a positive way?

5. Have you ever experienced closed doors that later led to better opportunities? How did you navigate through those difficult times?

6. How has your understanding of walking with God and trusting in His plan evolved as you have grown older and more mature in the faith?

7. How do you balance being transparent with your children about the challenges you face, while still instilling faith and trust in God?

8. How can we prioritize spending time with the Lord in our busy schedules? Share any practical strategies you have found helpful.

9. How do you ensure that you are passing on your faith to your children? What intentional steps do you take to instill a love for God and His Word in them?

10. What are some trustworthy resources you have found for staying informed about politics and culture? How do you discern truth in a world filled with misinformation?

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Seven Years and A Million Thanks