Embracing Your Purpose: Insights from A Working Homeschool Mom
I recently sat down for an insightful conversation with Katie Hornor, a working homeschool mom with a unique journey and inspiring perspective on finding God's purpose in work. Hornor shares her experiences as a mom, wife, missionary, entrepreneur, and creator of a Spanish homeschool curriculum. Through her stories, she encourages mothers to trust in God's timing, embrace their gifts, and find joy in the work they've been called to do.
Embracing God's Unique Timing and Purpose:
"God had a specific purpose for our family in Mexico, but it wasn't exactly what we had expected. He used our gifts and talents in ways we couldn't have anticipated."
Katie Hornor
One of the recurring themes in Hornor's journey is the recognition of God's unique timing and purpose. Hornor recounts how her family's move to Mexico aligned with her own long-held desire to be a missionary overseas. She emphasizes, "God had a specific purpose for our family in Mexico, but it wasn't exactly what we had expected. He used our gifts and talents in ways we couldn't have anticipated." This reminder of God's sovereignty serves as a powerful encouragement to trust in His plans, even when they differ from our own expectations.
Watch or listen to part 1 here.
Discovering God-Given Gifts and Meeting Needs:
From her own experiences, Hornor believes that everyone has been given gifts and talents for a purpose. She encourages parents, especially moms seeking to work outside of motherhood, to take time to understand what they have been uniquely created for. Hornor explains, "Finding your calling is a combination of what you enjoy, what you're good at, and what people ask of you." Drawing from her own journey, she shares how she discovered a need for Spanish homeschool curriculum and, with the blessing of an American company, developed her own literature-based curriculum for the Spanish-speaking community.
Finding Joy in Work:
"God created work even before sin entered the world. It is an expression of worship and an opportunity to glorify God."
Hornor firmly believes that work, when aligned with one's purpose and gifts, can be a source of joy and worship. She challenges the prevailing notion that work is something negative, emphasizing, "God created work even before sin entered the world. It is an expression of worship and an opportunity to glorify God." Reflecting on her personal experience, she further explains, "Our work doesn't have to be something big to matter. Even the small, behind-the-scenes work, such as serving our own families, is significant in God's eyes." This perspective shift encourages listeners to appreciate the work they do daily, whether big or small.
Watch or listen to part 2 here.
Flexible Homeschooling:
Working homeschool moms face unique challenges. Balancing the responsibilities of motherhood, homemaking, loving your husband, and teaching your children can seem like an impossible balancing act. To this point, Katie reminds us that homeschooling does not have to consume excessive amounts of time to be effective. In fact, many times simple and short is the best path to success! She recommends Durenda Wilson's book, "The Four Hour School Day," challenges the notion that homeschooling requires a rigid schedule and countless hours. The book encourages moms to prioritize relationships, simplicity, and efficiency in their homeschooling journey. By embracing a flexible approach, you can create a balance that allows for both work and education.
Involving Family and Supportive Spouses:
Hornor underscores the importance of involving one's spouse and seeking their support, especially in pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors. She advises, "If your husband is not supportive, it's essential to prioritize your marriage and honor your husband's leadership." She shares her personal experience of involving her husband in decision-making processes and highlights the positive impact it has had on their journey. To provide support for single moms or those without supportive spouses, Hornor suggests seeking guidance and accountability from godly friends. family members, or church members.
Watch or listen to part 3 here.
"When we align ourselves with God's purpose and use the gifts He has given us, we can experience true joy and fulfillment in our work."
Katie journey as a working homeschool mom reveals valuable insights into embracing God's unique purpose, finding joy in work, and involving loved ones in our pursuits. We should be encouraged to trust in God's timing, explore our gifts, and embrace the work we have been called to do. Whether it's serving our families, starting a business, or pursuing a career, Hornor reminds us that every aspect of our lives can be an expression of worship and a way to make a positive impact on the world.
As she aptly puts it, "When we align ourselves with God's purpose and use the gifts He has given us, we can experience true joy and fulfillment in our work." So let us embark on this journey of discovering our God-given purpose and finding joy in the work that we're called to do. For in it, we may find not only personal fulfillment, but also the opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of others.
Recommended Resources:
Katie Hornor's YouTube Channel
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? Download your free Homeschool Survival Kit today!
🍿🍿🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for FREE today!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
How to Homeschool: A Step-by-Step Guide with Kristi Clover
Getting Started in Homeschooling - Israel Wayne on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Discussion Questions:
Have you ever experienced a setback or unexpected change in your career or ministry? How did you handle it, and did it ultimately lead to new opportunities or growth?
How do you personally view the concept of work? Do you see it as a means to an end, or do you find enjoyment and purpose in what you do?
Do you believe that everyone has a unique purpose and set of gifts that they can use to meet needs and make a positive impact on the world? Why or why not?
How have you navigated the tension between your responsibilities as a parent and your desire to pursue work or other interests outside of motherhood/fatherhood?
Are there any particular skills or talents that you possess that you feel could be used to serve others and bring in extra income? How might you go about discovering and developing those gifts?
What strategies or techniques have you found helpful for maintaining a positive attitude and finding joy in the everyday responsibilities and tasks of life, particularly in the context of motherhood/fatherhood?
How do you personally define success in work and in life? Is it solely about achievements and accomplishments, or is there a deeper significance that you strive for?
How do you involve your spouse in your career or business decisions? How important do you think their support and involvement is for your success and fulfillment?
Have you experienced any cultural or societal messages that have discouraged you from embracing your uniqueness or pursuing your passions? How have you worked to overcome or challenge those messages?
How do you pass on the idea of work as worship to your children or the younger generation? What strategies or approaches have you found effective in helping them develop a positive attitude towards work and finding purpose in what they do?
Read the full transcript:
Yvette Hampton:
Hey everyone, this is Yvette Hampton. Welcome back to the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. I am so glad you are with us this week. We are talking this week about a topic that we get asked about constantly. We have you guys write in about it, we have you talk to us about it at different events. And that question is how can moms work and homeschool at the same time? And I know many of us today need to do that because of just where we are in the world. Or maybe some of you have taken your kids out of public school or private school and you want to homeschool them but you have to work and you're not exactly sure how to balance those things and it can be tricky. I work some from home. Of course I do the podcast. It doesn't just happen by itself. Truth be told, my husband does the way majority of the work for the podcast. I get to just sit and have conversations with people. But I do work from home and it is a blessing to my family that I get to do that and I love working with my husband. But some of you need to work maybe full time from home, whatever that.
Katie Hornor:
Might look like for you.
Yvette Hampton:
Katie Hornor is with us this week. She's a new guest and she is kind of the expert at this. She's a homeschool mom. She works from home and she's going to give some really good practical advice and pointers on how you can tie those two things together and help bring financial support to your family. Well, Katie Hornor, welcome to the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. It is such a pleasure to meet you. Tell us a little bit about you and your ministry.
Katie Hornor:
Yvette, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here and share with your audience today. My husband Tap and I moved to Mexico 16 years ago to be in ministry full time. We never planned to work from home as you're describing it, but that was to be in the Lord's plans for us. And the first step was getting us to Mexico where we have lived for the last 16 years. And then the second step was for us to go through a series of different changes in ministry opportunities that left us in dire need of funds and what does a mama do when you need money is think how do I make this money? And so God started working in our hearts with this desire to start a business and we said but we don't have business background. My husband went to school for electric and carpentry and was going to go to Mexico as a missionary and skipped the last year which was the business know and I grew up in an entrepreneurial family but Katie was never going to be in business so she didn't get the training. Long story short, we did start the business because God said to, and we pioneered a homeschool curriculum. Then we took what we learned with that business and started a coaching business, which we're still doing today under the Flamingo Advantage brand. And I know we'll get into that and other things, but along the way, those five children still have to be educated. And it's just been a fabulous journey of learning to blend all that we do into the life that God has given and be able to use it for his purposes.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah. Amen. Talk a little bit about your homeschooling in Mexico because I imagine that this is quite different in a lot of ways than what it looks like for us here in the States. What made you decide to homeschool, and what does that look like for you and your family?
Katie Hornor:
Well, depending on where you live in Mexico, you may have different things available to you. There are multiple thousands of homeschoolers in Mexico, and now way more than there were 16 years ago. However, depending on where you live, resources are different and things like that. But in Mexico right now, homeschooling is not protected by law. It's also not prohibited by law. And so as a Mexican citizen, there are certain avenues that you would take. But as an expat living here, our children can also claim U. S. Citizenship, which gives us a little more freedom in that area. And so we pretty much can homeschool our children as if they were enrolled in a school in the United States. Under that, we can create a transcript for our homeschool just as if we lived in North Carolina or South Dakota or wherever, and then we can create our own sort of graduation certificate along those lines. Following those guidelines, if you're in a Mexican family, the regulations are a little different, and they're changing in the next few months. There's actually a government meeting around. What are we going to do with this and how are we going to move forward as a country in regards to homeschooling? Because it has become so much more popular, especially post pandemic. But for us, we have a lot of liberty with what we get to do, and it's been a fun journey.
Yvette Hampton:
Are there very many people in your area who homeschool in your neighborhood? Are you able to do like a homeschool co op or anything like that? What does that look like for you?
Katie Hornor:
We have a small group of families in our city, and in the next bigger city close to us, about an hour and a half away, there's probably 30 or 40 families, not necessarily all faith based. It's a mix. So there are activities there that we can participate in if we want to. And then this local group of three or four families that get together probably quarterly for an activity or a get together of some kind. So it's not a lot of people where we are, but it's a smaller city as well.
Yvette Hampton:
That's so cool. You talked about how it became necessary for your family to start bringing in some income. You were there as missionaries, which I'm assuming that since you began your journey in Mexico as a missionary, you had support from other people. But it sounds to me like you came to a point where you needed to actually bring in some extra income for your family. What did that look like? How did you get started? Because I know that so many moms and even dads sometimes stay at home dads. They're looking for ways to bring in income, but they don't even know where to start. I've even seen people post on social media, I need to make money from home. What do I do? How do I start? What did that look like for your family?
Katie Hornor:
Well, for us, we'd had a series of ministry changes, so the people who had pledged to support us financially in the one know may not have carried over to the next thing. And so and so and so we were at a point where it was either like, go back to the states, which we knew we weren't called to do, or find a way to support ourselves. And we started looking like, what could we do? And it's that question not I can't do this or I can't, whatever, but what would it look like if we could find a way to earn income here? And what's the need? We were just starting to homeschool our oldest at that point, we had four under the age of seven, I think, around that time. A fifth one came a little bit later, but at that .4 little ones, just starting to homeschool ourselves, looking at the curriculum we were using, which was a literature based homeschool curriculum at the time, and thinking, what could we do? And I started researching, like, what's available for spanish speakers? Who homeschool? And I realized that at that point in history, there was only two or three homeschool curriculums for them to choose from in the Spanish language, and out of those, you had to speak english to order two of them. Right? And so this is a big hurdle for somebody who wants to educate their children but doesn't speak English, doesn't know where to get the material, and there is no such thing in the Spanish world yet as a literature based curriculum, which we loved. Because I was a big children's literature buff. I had a degree in elementary education and curriculum development. And so this was where we saw the need, we could do something, we could fix this, we could provide this, we could make this better. And I think seeing the need is part of knowing where to start and then researching and what would it look like and what's the first step and what resources do we have, who do we know? And in our case, we were able to reach out to an american company that provided an English based, literature based education and say, hey, the Spanish world needs what you have. Would you let us help you translate your teacher's guides and things and create one? Or would you be okay if we did it ourselves? Because we really feel strongly God is pushing us in this direction. And so those conversations went on for about a year and a half and eventually that company decided, we love what you're doing, we don't think we need to take on the Spanish at this point, so have our blessing, go and do what God is leading you to do. And so at that point we went ahead and started working on first kindergarten level and the a first grade level. Eventually we had preschool all the way through 6th grade of this literature based curriculum, where we were finding books that were already in print in Spanish, books about history, biographies, all the things, and then writing the teacher's guide with which you could teach that grade level material from those actual books. A little bit Charlotte Mason, a little bit Montessori, a little bit literature based, but all hands on and discussion and proving what you've learned by being able to reteach it, and just a really fun curriculum based on literature. And so that's what we did and we pioneered that then for about the next twelve years in the Spanish community.
Yvette Hampton:
I love that. So what's interesting is that you took basically what God had given you, right? The gifts and talents and abilities that he had given you. You figured out where there was a need that needed to be met and you said, let's figure out how to meet this need. And it's interesting that you say it took a year and a half for you to do that because I think oftentimes people think we have to do this right away, we need to do this and it needs to be in works by next week or by next month. And oftentimes God doesn't work that way, right? The timing is always very unique and different to every situation. I'm thinking of Ephesians 210 and actually was reading this before we came on today, and it says, for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. And so just seeing that God created you and your husband and your family for this specific work and that he took you to Mexico for a specific reason, but then he ended up using you in other ways as well to meet the needs of the homeschool community in Mexico. Well, and I would say probably around the world, because it's a Spanish curriculum that can be used in all sorts of other know Latin countries as well. And so what a blessing that you have been obedient to use the gifts that God's given you to steward them for his kingdom, right? I mean, you've used what he has blessed you with. So talk on that for a minute because oftentimes I think moms are like, I don't know what my gift is, I don't know what my passions are. Especially, I think when our kids are really young, we feel like all of us is going into our kids. All of us is going into preparing meals and grocery shopping and doctor's appointments and changing diapers and trying to get our kids to learn how to read. And sometimes moms can get a little bit lost in that and trying to figure out what is it that I want to do? What is it that God created me for in addition to this? Obviously, he created you to take care of your family. But how can moms, especially those who are looking to work outside of motherhood and bring in some extra income, how can they really figure out what God has created them for?
Katie Hornor:
I think it's a cross, yvette, between what you enjoy and what you're good at, as well as what people ask of you. Right. Because as a mom of littles who are starting to go to school, we got asked all the time, where are they going to school? Well, we're home educating. How are you doing that? What does that mean? What does that look like? How would I do that? And so if somebody asks you a question three times, that's a pretty good indication that you have an answer people are looking for. Right? And so what is it that you get asked all the time? Or what is it that comes easy to you that other people are like, oh my goodness, I could never do that? Right. That's a really good indication that there's a skill there that is sellable or that there is a talent there to be developed. But I also think it has to light you up. I am not happier than when I am teaching or talking or presenting. I love to see the light bulb come on, whether I'm talking to a four year old or a 45 year old. Right. It just thrills my heart to see someone get something so that they can take it out and put it into practice. I love the conversations with our teenagers around at the lunch table where we're throwing out questions and the things are clicking and they're finally like, oh wow, that's what that means. And so for us, it was a natural crossover between what we enjoyed, the questions we were already answering on a regular basis with our friends and acquaintances, and where we saw a need and it didn't happen overnight. And I am one of those people that there's no grass growing under my feet. If I'm going to do it, it's going to be done. And it was an exercise in patience. But I think one of the things that we have to recognize about timing, even with God's provision, with God's leading, with God's developing, desires of our hearts is that patience really is the act of agreeing with God about the timing of this situation. Right. I can't stop and get frustrated with a slow child if I'm agreeing with God about the timing in which this child needs to do something right. I can't get frustrated at slow service when I'm out and about if I'm agreeing with God about the timing he has for this circumstance. And then secondly, is asking God, what is my purpose in this circumstance? Right? And always saying, like, what's my job here in this conversation, in this day? Yes, service is slow. What does this person need from me as we wait, right? Or yes, this child is not responding or not producing or not growing as quickly, but what's my job right now? What do they need from me in this moment? And taking our eyes off of the me and putting it on, what God is doing helps us to have that patience that we need and the persistence to be able to see it through with a much more calm attitude, because now it's about God, it's not about me.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah, absolutely. Talk about work as worship. I was recently having a conversation with both of my girls, actually, and we were talking about the idea of work and how work is a good thing. I think we as a society tend to think, oh, work, and we even pass that on to our kids sometimes, like, oh, I don't want to do my chores. I don't want to have to do all the things that take effort. Right? I mean, really, I would say a good portion of humans, if we could, we would just sit on the couch and watch movies all day long or read a book all day long. We don't necessarily want to have to get up and know, exert our bodies into doing physical work. But we were talking about Adam and Eve, and even in the garden, even before the fall of man, before sin came into the world, adam and Eve worked the garden God gave them. That was like a blessing to them to be able to work in this beautiful, incredible garden that God had given them. Now, they probably didn't have the scorching sun beating down on them, giving them sunburns know, being tortured by the things that hurt us in nature now. But still, it was a good thing, and so work is a good thing. So talk about work as worship and what that looks like and how you even have been able to pass that on to your kids.
Katie Hornor:
Well, it's funny that you mentioned the Garden of Eden and work being there before it was hard work, right? Before there was sweat and thorns and all of that. Ecclesiastes 222 says that there's nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his work. And the day that I came across that strict scripture, it struck me across the face because I had never heard anyone talk about that before. What do you mean we're supposed to find enjoyment in our work? You mean work is good? Right. And then when I started studying Sabbath and I realized that God created rest not because he needed it, but because he knew we needed it. Because he knew we would be so dedicated and so into our work that if he didn't command a rest, we would never rest. Right? And so I think it comes with alignment. When your work is in alignment with your purpose, when your work is in alignment with how God created you and what he's gifted you to do, then work becomes a joy. Work becomes something that you do find enjoyment in, that you do want to keep doing. Right. And it's our secular society, I think, the enemy's strategy to try to make us think that work is bad or that it's something to be dreaded. But no, God says you will find enjoyment in your work, that that is good. There was good work before there was sin in the world, right? And so the key is walking with God. The key is knowing who my God is, what he wants for me. Because if he's created me to do this, then doing this is the best way I can worship Him. Right? When you think about the illustration I use a lot is that of a toy maker, right? If the toy maker makes a wind up toy and this wind up toy doesn't do what it's supposed to do, we say, oh, it's broken, it's a failure, it's malfunctioning. Right. It looks bad on the toy maker because it's not doing what it was supposed to do. But if that toy does exactly what it's supposed to do, that is the best thing it could do, both for Him, both for the toy and for the toy makers. And so when we do what we were created to do, that is our best worship. Scripture tells us not everyone is going to be a pastor or a teacher. We need people with all these different kinds of gifts. And if you were created with this gift, then doing that gift is your best worship. That is the best way to glorify your God, is by doing what he created you to do.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah. I think oftentimes too, we think that our work has to be something big in order for it to matter or count, right. We have to be doing something amazing that the whole world can see. And that's not true at all. I mean, we could be doing something totally behind the scenes that nobody ever knows about and it could be serving our family only. I mean, that is work in itself. Motherhood is no joke. Being a wife is no joke. It takes a lot of work and a lot of intention and you cannot do it if you're lazy homeschooling. Oh my goodness. That is not for the lazy. Right. It takes a lot of work and a lot of intention. And so whatever it is that God has called us to do in this world is totally worth it and he is worthy of us doing it with a great attitude. I remember years and years ago, I was at a Bible study and this lady was kind of confessing to our group. She said, I just have had such a bad attitude about home chores, doing dishes and doing laundry and doing cooking and all those things. And she said I really had to change my thinking pattern and realize that when I'm doing laundry I need to be grateful and say, Lord, thank you for giving us clothes, and when I'm cooking, say, Lord, thank you for giving us food. And when I'm doing dishes, Lord, thank you for giving us dishes that we can put our food on and that I have to wash. Because there are people in the world who don't have these things and so, so much of it is changing our perspective. However, passing that on to our kids sometimes can be a bit of a challenge. So I want to talk about that. We were talking yesterday about work and about how work is worship and I love that idea. I think that's something that is a little tricky to pass on to our kids and so I would love for you to talk about that for just a quick minute. Have you been successful? I find this difficult sometimes with my girls. My girls are not huge complainers, but I also don't think that they're like, yay work. And as we're talking, I'm thinking to myself like, okay, we need to maybe work on that this year, maybe that character development. Have you been successful in figuring that out with your kids?
Katie Hornor:
Well, yvette, our kids are ages nine to 18 right now, so I think we're at different points of success, who we're talking about, and with all of us, right. It's a daily choice to choose the attitude that we have towards the work that God has given us to do. And one of the things I remind our kids when it gets hard is that God has already promised to do what he's called you to through you, right. One, thessalonians 524 faithful is he that calls you who also will do it. So if this is something God has called you to do for our children, obeying our parents, helping with family responsibilities as we get older, right. Your actual purpose and calling in life, your job, your career, your vocation, the way you're going to impact people in the world, all of this he's promised to do through us. So it's not so much about us doing it as being willing and saying, yes, Lord, I'll do this, help me, do it through me, because he's promised to. And so with our kids. I think we're at varying stages, very quick to say yes if they have specific instructions. We're still working on the self motivated part of seeing what needs to be done. But it's been a fun growing experience, especially now that most of the are in their teen years and developing their own opinions and conversations can be so much more enjoyable now.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah. I think one of the greatest things as a parent is when your kids start taking the initiative to do things without being asked. And my youngest did that recently, and my girls sometimes do that. We've actually, at times, worked that into our daily schedule, where I will actually put on their schedule initiative every day. You need to take initiative, but that's not really taking initiative. If I'm telling them that they have to take initiative, but I'm trying to train them. And recently, my youngest daughter, it is a habit. It is a habit. And my youngest daughter, recently, she did a bunch of things, and I didn't ask her. Like, she cleaned up the living room and I can't remember what else she did some other things, and I was like, you just did those on your own. Like, I didn't even ask you to do that. She was like, yes, I did.
Katie Hornor:
One of the ways that we're doing this is actually with our curriculum. My oldest just graduated, but the next two are going into their junior year together.
Yvette Hampton:
Katie Hornor:
Because they're pretty close in age, and we found it helps for them to be accountability partners. And so we actually develop our school year plan, develop our lesson plan or whatever and give it to them. And then it's up to them when they're going to do the work. Right. Some of them think better in the morning. Some of them think better in the afternoon. Some of them have differing responsibilities around the house or as they start to look for jobs in the community and things like that. And so it's up to them. And we check in periodically, daily if necessary, but definitely weekly with them. Where are you on your schoolwork? Are you going to be done by the end of the semester with what you've been given? But in terms of actually doing the work, doing the lessons, reading the books, doing the reports, things like that, that's on them when they're going to do that and check it off. And in that, we are instilling in them this independence, right. And this autonomy of, like, I'm not going to be able to follow them around to college classes and say, did you do that yet? And starting to train them for adult work. And that's been working pretty well for the last couple of years.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah. Well, let's back up to working from home. And I want to take us back to that mom who is saying, all right, I really need to bring in some income. Our family is just not making it, or we're just scraping by. And she wants to be a blessing to her family and to her husband, like the proverbs 31 woman and she wants to do something. Right. And so we talked about how okay this mom, the first thing might be, figure out what you're passionate about. What are you good at? Because if you're not good at it and God has not gifted you in this area, you're going to be miserable doing it, probably. You're not going to have the best attitude. Now, of course, there are some things we have to do that we don't necessarily love to do. But when it comes to working and doing something from home, we really want to do what God's gifted us in doing. So that mom, maybe she's just said, okay, I've got to do something. Here are the things that I enjoy doing here's where I feel like I'm gifted. What would you say to that mom? You're talking to her face to face. What advice would you give her on here's? How to get started and get the ball rolling to help bring in some extra income.
Katie Hornor:
A lot of times we way overthink this. And so if I was sitting across the table with you, I would just say, what's the fastest path to cash? Right? What is the easiest thing? Maybe you might call it the low hanging fruit, right? What's the fastest way for you to actually generate some income? Forget getting an LLC or a business license. Forget figuring out a name. Forget creating a website. If you need cash, what's the fastest way to get that? Can you sell cookies? Can you make a cake? Can you babysit? Can you dog sit with your kids? Maybe you can sew and so you can do repairs to clothing or I saw someone just yesterday selling headpieces on Facebook, matching mom and daughter or something. What could you do with the skills that you have to be able to put it out there? All you need is a way to take payment. People still write checks. There's PayPal, there's Venmo, there's all these cash apps now, right? It's not that difficult. You just need to put it out there.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah, that is a great starting point, and that's such a good reminder of it doesn't have to be so complicated. I think we try to overanalyze everything, right? Especially as moms and homeschool moms. We have to think through every single detail of every single thing to the point of where it paralyzes us and where we just don't do anything at all because we're so busy thinking about how to do it. There's a local mom here in our town who she started out baking cookies in her kitchen, and it has turned into this huge business. She ended up bringing her husband home from work. He was working this job where he was working 60, 70 hours a week, and now they bake cookies. And cakes and all sorts of amazing things together. And they're actually opening up a bakery now that's going to have a kid area for them, for their kids. They've got five little girls, and so it's going to have a little area for their kids to play and for other homeschool moms to go to or moms in general to go to and bring their kids. And it's just amazing to see that it just started out with her literally baking cookies at home. And so God will do big things when it comes to trying to figure out how to do it. And prayer, I mean, I think that's a huge part of it is just praying and seeking the Lord. Of course, that should be the number one thing, is, Lord, what is it that you want from me? How can I serve you? And it could be through baking cookies or baking bread, whatever, but how can I serve you? How can I serve Your kingdom and further whatever it is that You've called me to do? All right, Katie, let's continue on with what are some other pointers that you have for moms who are looking to get started?
Katie Hornor:
I would say also, don't limit yourself to what you know. Like we said, ask the Lord what you could do, right? Let him open that up. But think about things that other people in your area may or may not be doing. Are you good at writing Bible studies? Have you created amazing lesson plans for your homeschool kids that other people would love to pay to have and be able to use as well? You go shopping for your food once a week or more often. What if you were to shop for an elderly person at the same time, right? Just thinking outside the box, even asking your kids. You'd be amazed at what ideas kids have for like, hey, guys, if we had $20 today, what could we do with that $20 to turn it into 500 by next week, right? And just brainstorming and using that power of your kids, like lemonade stands are not out of reach, but your kids will have some really creative ideas, too. And maybe even maybe you've got skills in digital design or graphic design, and you could be someone's virtual assistant. Maybe you know how to answer emails and send them for someone. There's lots of people who need secretaries, and that can be done remotely. So don't limit yourself to just what you know right now. Continue to ask those questions. How could we get other people involved in brainstorming and really seek the Lord for those things that come? And maybe your first idea is not the one, right? Maybe it's going to take some time, but don't quit with it either, because our God is faithful and he wants us to be faithful as well. If you seek Him, you will find Him. He has promised to provide what you need keep going after it.
Yvette Hampton:
What about failure? Because that's a thing, right? I can see these moms who would try something and it just fails miserably, and that can be really discouraging. How would you encourage that, mom?
Katie Hornor:
I would say failure is perspective number one. Don't look at it as failing. Look at it as a lesson to learn from, because now you're not starting from nothing, you're starting from experience. Right. I'd also say surround yourself with people who can support you. When we started in business and we made that very first offer, we were making an offer to maybe ten people on an email list, right. And nobody bought anything. And I thought I was a failure. Who do I think I am? I don't know what I'm doing, all this other stuff. It wasn't until I joined a community of other people who were regularly making offers that I got to learn what the statistics are. Do you know if you have a list of 100 people and two people say yes to your offer? That's the average that's normal in the digital marketing world. Right. And so surrounding yourself with people who know the business, understand the business, have up to date data to work with, can really help you with that perception of whether this was truly a failure or whether it's just an indication that you need to keep going and try again.
Yvette Hampton:
What does it look like for your family? It's a family business that you have. So your husband works with you. I'm assuming your kids do something, maybe with you, I'm not sure. What does your family dynamic look like?
Katie Hornor:
So I'm the face of the business with the flamingo advantage branding and the flower in my hair, and I do most of the teaching. Right. But my husband, we say he's the president, so he's behind all the decision making. He does a lot of behind the scenes logistics. I have a daughter who is a graphic design and video editor and has interned with people like Rachel Peterson and really upped her game even as a teenager and does a lot of work for us. Another one is an artist. My son is learning accounting, so he's helping behind the scenes with some of those things on a regular basis. And we just work together and what needs to be done today and can you do this, or no, I'll take that. Or who excels at what and being able to find the right way to do that and being able to compensate. Right. Like in your business. I'm not a CPA, so check with yours to get the specifics for your details and your state. But it's my understanding, at least from my CPA, that we can pay our kids up to a certain amount of money per year through the business before it becomes taxable to them. And it's things we would pay people to do anyway, so they may as well be learning those skills. It counts for school and educational experience. And they're learning to manage their money and manage their workload and learn new skills, develop things that will be sellable later on. And so it's really been a great blessing for us, but that's how ours works is sort of a behind the scenes and in front of the scenes perspectives. And it's just been a real blessing to be able to work together when we need to.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah, being able to count school credit for our kids to be part of our business is such an important thing. Just before you and I actually got on to record, my daughter and I were going through her high school transcript and we were looking at, okay, what are we still needing? What holes do we still need to fill in? It's her senior year this year, and so she has on there filmmaking for her freshman and sophomore year because we were making a film as a family, we were traveling and filming a documentary. And so actually, when I spoke with HSLDA and I went through her whole transcript with them and I said, she hasn't taken a film class, but we made a movie. And they were like, absolutely. That is business. It's a class for her. And it's so great that we can put those on our kids transcripts because that's real life learning, right? I mean, the whole point of giving our kids a textbook or teaching them something is so that they can take it into their adult life. Because our kids don't walk around with a textbook through their adult life asking questions and trying to find the answers in a textbook. We teach them things so that they can go out into the world, into their adult life and be prepared to live the life that God has given to them. And so it is such an advantage and a blessing, not just to us, but to our kids, for them to be able to learn alongside of us as we're building a business for the kingdom together with the Lord.
Katie Hornor:
Our littles have helped as well. When we do events, they're behind the scenes, setting up the stage and helping. Some of them are making lunch for us while we're for our quick breaks in between. My nine year old just did two commercial videos for our book that just came out and she did the voices for the little things and puppeted them and put the video together. It's just amazing what they can do when you lean into that and give them an opportunity.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah, it's so funny. You talk about them setting up food. I remember when we were filming for the documentary with Sam Sorbo, and Sam was already there with us. We were just getting ready to start filming and Kevin Sorbo came in. We were at this house in Florida where Kevin was filming a movie, and so he walked in and Brooklyn, my oldest, was setting up our craft services, so we had brought snacks and drinks and stuff for them. So she was setting that up, and Kevin walks in, and Brooklyn was you know, it was just so you know, we've since gotten to know their family, and they're amazing, but it was just so funny that here she is serving this family and walks Kevin Sorbo. And she still remembers that time, and it was a really fun and special time for her. And he was so kind. He came in and he started talking to her know, asking her about the movie and all sorts of things. And so she thought that was really neat. He's a really nice guy. The sorbells are great. We love their family. I want to ask you first about the flower in your hair. Every picture I've seen of you, you've got a flower in your hair and some really cool bling going on. Talk a little bit about that. How did this flower come to be?
Katie Hornor:
Yeah, so a lot of people do think the flower is just a branding piece, but it's actually a big part of our story. When we first started our online business, it was the curriculum business. Then we started coaching. And so in this coaching business, when I started teaching online classes, it was a hot day in the tropics of Mexico. I had littles running around. It was behind schedule, right? And I've got to be live on camera in like, two minutes. And so I grabbed my daughter's headband with a flower and stuck it in my hair. I was like, That'll have to do, right? Turn on the camera. And here we go. Everybody was like, oh, I love the flower in your hair. And I didn't think anything about it until the next week when I showed up without the flower. Like, Where's your flower? That was so cool, right? So I started wearing the flower headband more often, and as I did, it was like the Lord was revitalizing in me, the piece of me that I had shouldered for so long. Back in some of our early ministry. When we first got married, we were told that anything that drew attention to ourselves drew away from the mission, drew away from the gospel that we were trying to share. And so it was discouraged to wear headpieces or earrings or nail polish or anything that would draw attention to you was frowned on. And so I complied. But I didn't realize that when I did that, I was squashing the things that made me me. And so wearing the flower brought out to me like, I feel pretty with a flower in my hair. And it was like God was saying, yes, that's how I designed you to love fun and color. And so it became this lesson to me. It's my daily reminder that I get to show up and be me today. And God loves that. I love the fun and the color in my life. And then as he brought the flamingos into our business, and that became a mascot and a teaching tool for us that also like, you are on the inside what you are on the outside, and one cannot be separated from the other. And so it's just become my thing that reminds me that this is what I get to be today.
Yvette Hampton:
I love that. Hold tight on the flamingo story because we're going to talk about that the second half of this podcast. But before we get into talking about flamingos, talk about balance, talk about how can we balance working from home and homeschooling at the same time, how do you do that? What does your day look like?
Katie Hornor:
Well, first of all, I want to remind folks that God says, faithful is he that calls you who also will do it. And so if he's called you to homeschool, he's called you to do business, he's called you to be a wife, he's called you to all these roles. You don't have to do it. He does it right. So there's a calm down, mama moment right there. And just remember that God's got this. Secondly, whatever he's given you to do, he's going to have time for. And so we don't balance as much as we blend the things that we do and the roles that we have. And so blending for us some days means dedicated time just to business pursuits, like today, dedicated time for podcast. I've had three interviews back to back, right? This is a business time slot. But this evening when I walk out of my office and shut the door, it's dedicated family time, where they know mama's all on for them. And having those boundaries in your calendar and in your life and being able to honor the people that you're present with in the moment is super important in learning to blend all of this together at the same time, even though this is a dedicated spot for business today. If one of my kids needed me, they know they can walk into my office because they're more important, right? And so if there was an emergency, they're absolutely welcome, and they know that. But if there's not, they also know they need to wait because Mommy's doing business. And they know that business benefits the family because we talk about it on a regular basis. It's not just mom and Dad's business. It's what God's doing for the family through the business. And so they feel like they have more of a part in it. The other thing that we do is my husband and I regularly have planning meetings. We try to get away, like not just at home, at the dining table or in the bedroom, but actually leave the house and go somewhere an overnight or at least a dinner or a bench in the park, somewhere that is neutral, somewhere that is more public so we can't get angry with one another. Right. And that's where we do our planning, at least on a quarterly basis so that we can have a day to get on the same page, what's coming up, what goals do we have in our business, what goals do we have in our family, what trips or what activities are important right. And just being able to get on the same page with the planning and with the dreams and what God might be showing each of us so that we can come back and have a united front to the children. And to the business team and to the public audience that we serve of what is happening in the next, then every day we're on the same page. Right. Every day there's a check in that says, hey, what have you got today? Well, I've got three podcast interviews back to back. I'm going to need you to keep the kids quiet for that time. Right. Or, I've got to go do this errand, or my husband may need to run and help a neighbor fix something or he's a baseball chaplain here in our city. Right. And so it's just daily coordination as well with, remember, we've got this today, or we've got to braces appointment, or there's that music lesson we got to get him to at 05:00. And just that daily communication that keeps us working as a team and being able to blend the responsibilities in a way that looks beautiful in the end instead of causing friction.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah. I think that one of the other things is for moms maybe who their husband isn't home, he's not part of their business, he's working his job, and now you're home and you really need to figure out what to do. Making your husband not necessarily part of your business, not as your business partner, but talking with him through whatever it is that you're trying to do and having him pray with you and for you and taking his advice to heart. And if he's not supportive of something and if you're married and your husband's not supportive of you doing a specific business, I would say, don't do it. It's more important to honor your husband and protect your marriage than it is to run with something super important yeah. Than you think is, this is what I want to do, and I'm going to do it no matter what. That can be a really dangerous place to go in your marriage. But if you don't have a husband, if you're someone who's maybe you're a single mom and you're having to find a way to bring in some income, find somebody, whether it's a pastor or maybe the women's director at your church or your dad or your mom or a neighbor. Somebody who you trust, who you can say, this is what I'm thinking about. Will you pray through this with me? Will you hold me accountable? Will you help me in some way? And have other people in your world who can help walk with you through this journey. Don't do it alone, because Katie and I, we get to work full time in ministry with our husbands, and it is the greatest blessing. But that's rare. I mean, most people don't have that opportunity. And so we're definitely not the norm, but definitely have someone that you can pray with. I had a mom not too long ago. A few months ago she called me and she was wanting to do a type of business, and it was actually a home school kind of business. And she said, what do you think about this? And I said, Well, I think it sounds great. What does your husband say about it? She said, he doesn't want me to do it. And I said, and don't do it. It's absolutely not worth doing what your husband doesn't want you to know. Protect your family first. But the other thing I would say is, if you've not yet read Dorinda Wilson's book, the Four Hour School Day. That's an excellent book. School doesn't have to take as long as what we think it needs to take. And so school is only take a few hours a day. So block out 4 hours a day or 5 hours a day or however long you need to block out for your kids and be committed to doing that. And then plan your business on the other end of it. School can take place in the evenings or even on the weekends. It does not have to take place Monday through Friday between the hours of eight and three. You can be really flexible with that. So I think that's important to keep in mind as well. I don't know how many of you know this about me and about Garrett, my husband of 28, almost 29 years, but we actually met on a mission trip to Mexico. It was my freshman year, in his sophomore year in high school. And we went on a short mission trip. I mean, it was like maybe a week, I think it was during Christmas break. And we went to an orphanage in somewhere near Tijuana, I think, and we got to serve in this orphanage, and that was the first time we ever met each other. I actually remember him sitting in the van as we were getting ready to leave and thinking, oh, he's really cute. And many years later, six years later, we started dating and then got married quickly thereafter. But it's funny to think back through the times in Mexico because, of course, we're from California, and so I've been to many, many times, been on many mission trips there from the time I was pretty young. My mom started taking me when I was probably eight or nine, was my first mission trip. And I remember there was a dump, and these people lived near this trash dump, and it was really sad, but just having our eyes open to how other people lived and learning compassion for other people. When you live in modern America, we have this idea that this is how everybody in the world lives. And then you go outside of it sometimes you're like, oh, that's not at all. So anyway, Katie, how did you and your family end up in Mexico? I mean, of all the places to go, there's lots of places to serve the Lord and ways to serve the Lord. What was it about Mexico? How did you end up there?
Katie Hornor:
Well, my husband's family moved to Mexico when he was in high school. His dad and mom became church planting missionaries on the west side of Mexico. And then he came back to the States to college, which is where we met at some point. I had wanted to be a missionary overseas since I was in 9th grade and was know Spanish was on hand. It was the easiest thing to learn. If God takes me somewhere else, it'll be easier to learn another language if I learn Spanish, that whole deal. I was already going to go somewhere in college. I was looking at different countries and visiting mission fields and just really searching for where God wanted me to go. And so once we met and married and decided we were going back to Mexico, initially we came to work at a Bible college and were there about two years. And then God moved us to an orphanage ministry on the other side of Mexico, which is where we are now. And just like context, location wise, we are in the part of Mexico that would be like Florida compared to Tijuana under California, which would be like Washington State in the United States, right? So that's the distance where we are. But then after the orphanage ministry ended, we were helping some church plants and getting some local ministries going here and we were starting a church out of our home and coffee shop ministry when COVID hit and the Lord shut that down. Mexico was shut down much longer than the States was. And my husband is the chaplain for the local baseball team, the Campaign Pirates, and we get to minister to them. And a lot of our ministry is done actually through our coaching clients now ministering to the people that we get to coach in business and in life. And we are still very involved in the Spanish Homeschool movement as well, speaking and consulting there. So our business, I think, has given us a lot more ministry than we ever dreamed possible. I'll never forget when we ran ads to an online Christian Women's Bible Summit, right? And the fact that we could spend $100 in Facebook ads at that point and gather 300 women online when we couldn't even get 20 locally to come to a location and meet with us, it just blew my mind at the potential there is for ministry around the world. When there are no borders because of what we can do on the internet and what an amazing tool that can be for the gospel.
Yvette Hampton:
I love that. Talk about the flamingo advantage. What exactly is that? You've mentioned it throughout the whole week. And I have your book. The Flamingo Advantage how to Leverage Unique, Stay Relevant and Change the World. Tell us about this ministry, because I know the book is Take off of the Ministry, but tell us about this ministry and how in the world did you come up with that name?
Katie Hornor:
Well, I always say the flamingos adopted was my family. And I decided to go see Flamingos in the Wild at one point several years ago, because there's a place close to us here on the coast of Mexico where they migrate. And we thought, oh, well, that'll make an amazing educational, field trip family experience. So we chartered a local fishing boat. It felt like a tin can on the water. And we took it out, our family and our guide, and went to go find these flamingos in the wild. And I don't know what I was expecting, yvette, but when we rounded that bend in the river, all I could see was like the blue of the sky and the water and the jungle green on both sides of the river and in the middle, like pink fluffy clouds everywhere. It was such an amazing, unexpected sight. I will never get that picture out of my head. And I was in awe. I think my mouth literally dropped open. But as we got closer to them, I think I expected them to move away or to be scared or to fly off. They didn't do any of that. The closer we got to them in this shallow river, they just stood there. They just continued to do what they were created to do. They weren't scared about the tourists. They weren't scared like we weren't getting out of the boat because there was crocodiles in that river too, right. They weren't scared by that either. And we got within several feet of them. And just to see how amazing and confident they were, just standing there doing what God made them to do today. And it was so impactful to me that I couldn't get it out of my head. When we came home, I started researching flamingos, and the teacher in me was like, oh my goodness. And I could see all of these lessons that lined up for believers and for entrepreneurs especially, right? Like the Flamingo is pink all the way through. It's colored by what it eats. The color from their food is what colors them. Well, the color from the diet we feed ourselves is what makes us look like we do on the outside, too, physically, emotionally, spiritually. What comes in is what goes out. Right? Feed negative, get negative. Feed positive, get positive. The Flamingo can't separate himself from the pink. I can't be who I am on the inside and not have it show on the outside. They can't just wake up and say, I'm going to be blue today. Right? We can't say, oh, I'm going to be a Christian this weekend, but not Monday when I go to work. It has to color everything we do. Flamingos don't survive if they're isolated. They thrive in community. They have to live in community for their own safety and for their health, right? And when we isolate ourselves from the people who can support us in our calling, we also find ourselves dying. We need to be surrounded by those that can love us and support us. So many of those lessons. So it eventually became a book, right? Because I'm an author too. And so faith, like flamingo, came out first. And that was a devotional book around all of these facts that I'd found out about flamingos and the lessons that it taught me about what it means to walk out your faith in bold color and the that took off. And suddenly clients are sending me flamingos and people are tagging me on social media saying, the flamingo made me think of you in your book. And I started using it more in my teaching and in my business trainings. And then I started thinking, okay, how do we apply this to business? How can we be a flamingo in business? How can we look like all the other people who are doing what we do in our niche and still have that unique voice that calls our people to us? Because flamingos can be just as pink as the next birds and hard for us to tell them apart, but they know each other because each one has a distinct voice, right? And so even if you look like 1000 other people in your niche, you doing what you do the way you do. It calls your people to you. And so that became the flamingo advantage. And the book and the lessons in the book then became the frameworks that we use to teach marketing and client experience to our people and really helping you hone in on that God given uniqueness that is yours. That was given to you to be able to change the world that you touch, to be able to call your people to you and have the impact God wants to make in their life through what he's given you to do. And the rest is history.
Yvette Hampton:
Yeah. Oh, that is such a great story. I love that. And I'm going to go look up more about flamingos. They stink, though. Was it smelly when you went to see them?
Katie Hornor:
Not in the wild, no.
Yvette Hampton:
Katie Hornor:
Not in the wild.
Yvette Hampton:
That's so funny. Every time I go to the zoo, I love seeing the flamingos in the zoo. But it's like you can smell them as you're walking up to them before you can even see them. You're like, we're near the flamingos. They stink, but they are so beautiful. So that is a great story. I absolutely love that talk. Very quickly, we have just a minute left about your coaching business. What is it that you coach people in and how can people find out more? I know you've given your website, but give it again. How can people reach you and find out more about you and what you've got going?
Katie Hornor:
Well, the thing that we love to do most is our three day training that we host a couple of times a year. That is the Christian marketing retreat. And so for your Christians in your audience, especially if you're thinking of starting a business, you've got a business you want to grow. Consider joining us at one of those. It's virtual, you can attend from anywhere, but it's three days of inspiration, of learning to know who your God is and what that means for business and what it means for you and your uniqueness as you market this business to the people God's bringing to you. We do practical strategies. There's implementation times, there's networking times. It's really a great way to find your flamboyance, find your flock of other flamingos in your network and be able to lean into what God has for you and growing your business. Theflamingoadvantage.com has got all the info about those events, about our coaching program, our mastermind, the books, the podcast, it's all there.
Yvette Hampton:
Okay, well, thank you so much. It has been so much fun chatting with you this week. Katie, thank you for what you're doing. Thank you for your encouragement this week. It's been even an encouragement to me, and I know it has been to our guests as well. We are so grateful for you and appreciate all that you've done to grow your business, to serve the Lord and to help others do the same. So thank you for being with us.
Katie Hornor:
Thank you so much. It's been an honor.