Getting Started in Homeschooling, with Israel Wayne
Few subjects bring so much fear and uncertainty to parents as the thought of pulling their kids out of school and homeschooling them. While there are a wealth of fantastic resources available and a thriving homeschool movement across the country, until families take the leap into homeschooling there are always going to be unknowns and the nagging thoughts of "am I able", "am I enough", "will my kids get a good education", "will my kids be able to get into college", and the ever-present "what about socialization."
Even if your kids haven't started school yet and you are just considering homeschooling your preschooler or kindergartener, many of those same questions and doubts persist, and too many times this is compounded by the objections of friends and family members.
Here's the good news. You can do this! Literally MILLIONS of students are being homeschooled right now. Not only have Millions been homeschooled since the rise of modern homeschooling, many more have been homeschooled throughout history, as "traditional school" has only been the standard for the past 150 years or so.
There's even more good news. Not only can you do this, but it will be good for your children. Homeschooled students are thriving. Decades of research is now proving that homeschooled students are, on the whole, better prepared for college and life than their public and private schooled peers. Here are just a few links to back up these claims:
Ready to take your children back? Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for freetonight and learn how. After you have watched the movie, download the Free Homeschool Survival Kit. This free 70+ page resource will give you the encouragement and tools you need to start strong and finish well.
If you, or someone you know, is considering homeschooling we encourage you to attend the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. We have gathered an amazing group of speakers together for over 50 hours of homeschooling encouragement and practical advice.
Homeschooling is good for students, good for families, and good for culture, so it is our mission to encourage and equip homeschooling families to start well and finish strong.
Yvette Hampton recently talked with author and speaker, Israel Wayne about how to start homeschooling – how to do it well – and how to make it to graduation and beyond! Israel Wayne is the author of Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask, which answers many of the questions that people have when considering whether homeschooling is appropriate for their family. In this conversation, Israel and Yvette discuss why so many families choose to homeschool and how the alternatives (public school, and private school) are really doing. They also discuss whether homeschooling is appropriate for all types of families, or if it is best suited to certain groups.
Check out Israel’s Books:
Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask, by Israel Wayne
Education: Does God Have an Opinion?, by Israel Wayne
Pitchin' A Fit!: Overcoming Angry and Stressed-Out Parenting, by Israel and Brook Wayne
Recommended Resources:
Israel Wayne, Christian Education: A Manifesto
The Gen2 Survey, by NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute) - This study examines adults who attended church growing up and seeks to understand the key influences which either encouraged or deterred them from believing and practicing the faith of their parents.
HSLDA – Home School Legal Defense Association
NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute)
State Homeschool Organizations
Scripture References: