Homeschool Isn't Something You Do
In the wide world of homeschool articles, books, blogs, and videos you will see so many wonderful bits of information on how to do XYZ. Of course, no two are ever the same.
There are planners, methods, curriculum, and mission statements. Everything points to things you can do, checkboxes you can mark, and the goal is "productivity". Though the result is often just more comparison.
But homeschooling isn't a to-do list. It isn't books, or Latin, or co-ops. It isn't poetry tea time or map tracing.
While these things are good, full of beauty and truth, they aren't the core of homeschool.
Homeschooling is an opportunity. A chance to make connections in your relationships with your children, to truly disciple them in the day to day living and teach them in the way they should go.
Homeschooling is a process of sanctification. A way for the Holy Spirit to speak to you through the things you say, think, and pray for your own children. The day to day teaching, correcting, and sharing of education with your children requires you to take time to be still, to quiet your heart and trust so that you can call upon the Lord's strength to get through the hard moments with grace.
Homeschool is the creation of a family culture. Through your choice of materials, you line the hallways and bookshelves of your home creating an atmosphere of learning while these same items subtly share your ideals, priorities, and dreams with your children and all who enter your home. Your schedules and rituals set the tempo for your family, you have control over how rushed or calm the days are.
Homeschool is a choice to prioritize the creation of home as a safe place full of ideas, deepconversations, shared meals, and time together. There is grace, gratitude, and a deep appreciation for the small moments, small accomplishments, and daily victories that happens so much more freely in a home where being present together is a choice that has been made.
There is a sweetness and delight found in homeschooling, even through the hard seasons, that the time we are given with our children is short and that through choosing to homeschool we are making the most of those precious years.
Homeschooling is celebrating Ebenezer moments and teaching our children that hard times bring forth fruit.
Homeschool is not something you do, but rather a way of living that builds up your children, that strengthens your faith, and that lays a foundation of solid family culture for future generations.
In the process, you get to checkmark that your kids get a wonderful individualized education. That's why homeschooling is awesome.
Written by Lara Molettiere with Everyday Graces . . .Cultivating Learning, Love & Life