Homeschooling: The Time is Now

When we started homeschooling over 2 decades ago, we had good reasons for doing so.  We didn’t want to send our kids away for 8 hours a day. WE wanted to spend that time with them.  We wanted them to enjoy their childhood. Most of all we felt a responsibility to be the biggest influence in our kids’ childhood and hoped to disciple them to a place where they would take responsibility for their lives and above all, own their relationship with God.

We simply wanted to fully engage in our role as parents and homeschooling seemed like a natural fit for that.

We have graduated 5 so far and have 3 teens at home and I can tell you that homeschooling was by far one of the the MOST important and BEST decisions we ever made.

We are convinced that our family would look nothing like it does right now had we not decided to homeschool.  We have good relationships with our kids and each one is thriving in their own unique way, but it meant that we had to be willing to think outside the box when it came to education.

Our public educational system is failing our kids. I’m not here to walk through all the reasons why this is happening, but I think we can all agree that the system’s future is bleak at best.

If there were good reasons for homeschooling 25 years ago, there are a million more today.

The bottom line is that kids are being robbed of the joy of learning by social pressures (bullying, etc), and academic pressures that children simply aren’t equipped to deal with. School shootings have forced us to have conversations that we never dreamed we would have.  Because of this, I am convinced that very little learning is happening in the classroom and while we are discussing all the necessary changes that need to be made we are losing our children to a failing system.

Parents, it’s time.  It’s time to engage in taking full responsibility for our children’s future, for their childhoods, including their education.  This is called being a parent. Can it feel scary? Yes! Will you doubt yourselves? Of course! But my guess is that you will never, never regret that decision!

Homeschooling is not just an alternative form of education, it is most often the best.  No one can replace warm, loving engaged parents when it comes to giving our children what they need and that includes their education.

The homeschool community is growing leaps and bounds and there is a good reason for that. So many of those reasons will be openly shared through the Schoolhouse Rocked film. Hang onto your hats, everyone, a revolution in education is about to explode!

Written by Durenda Wilson of


Believing Lies


6 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Homeschooling