Coronavirus and Common Core: The Future (and Past) of Public Education

2020 has been a year of critical changes in education. Will virtual school and social distancing be the new normal? Will the millions of students who have begun homeschooling due to the COVID-19 pandemic continue as classroom learning returns to normal? Should they?

One of the major effects of millions of students doing public school at home is that the heart of public school education is being revealed to parents who are paying attention to their children's Zoom lessons. At the same time, our culture has been in a state of upheaval, in near civil war, and the roots of this culture war have been nourished in the public schools. Now the truly radical nature of the indoctrination our public school students are receiving is coming to light.

Listen to Alex Newman on The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast.

Alex Newman recently talked with Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella on The Schoolhouse Rocked about the true nature of what is being taught at public schools. Common Core, Marxism, statism, nihilism, atheism, evolution, the LGBT agenda: these are the philosophies that are central to public school indoctrination, and if we want to see our culture and our Constitutional Republic saved, we must reclaim the education of our children. Education is truly the key to saving our nation!

Alex, talk about the reality ... and I'm not talking just about Common Core. Talk about the reality of the indoctrination that's happening in the public school system right now. We have many friends back who are public school educators. These are people that we love, people that we've gone to church with, and they say, "No, our kids need to be salt and light in the public school. We need to have these Christian kids in there. They're doing okay." And for whatever reason, a lot of these parents are still not really seeing the full picture of the indoctrination that's happening.


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