Why "Opting Out" of CSE Isn't an Option
As a natural people-pleaser, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Consequently, I am always disappointed when I have to share stories about radical comprehensive sex ed (CSE) programs being pushed in school districts and states that you would never expect, transgender teachers demanding to use the restrooms of their elementary students of the opposite sex, and other, similarly infuriating and dangerous news items. But because I am dedicated to sharing the very real dangers of public schools, and I am deeply involved in this cultural and spiritual battle, I share them regularly.
While I am never surprised that these posts get a very strong response from homeschooling parents and from parents with kids in public schools, I am regularly shocked certain specific responses. Today I encountered a relatively common response, that I felt I had to address... with more bad news.
This morning, on the Schoolhouse Rocked Facebook page, I posted a letter that was sent to the parents of fourth grade students at Bridgeport Elementary school in Tualatin, Oregon. The letter informed parents that the fourth grade students would be participating in a series of lessons questioning the definition of “family,” considering the question “What Is Culture,” and examining “Perspective and Stereotypes” and how "understanding stereotypes can lead to prejudice and discrimination." At first glance, these topics may seem relatively innocuous, but for those of you who have been paying attention, you will recognize that this letter represents a week of indoctrination in the finer points of "alternative family structures" and a heavy dose of pro-LGBT propaganda. To top it off, the parents who received this letter were simply being informed of the upcoming instruction and were not being given the opportunity to opt out.
This prompted a very common and innocent response from a concerned reader, which must be examined more closely here. Keep in mind, the intent of the commenter was appropriate: namely to protect the safety of students and the rights of parents, but her response indicates a common misunderstanding of the roles of schools, teachers, administrators, and parents, which is shared among the VAST majority of parents in this country - whether they send their children to public or private schools, or choose to homeschool them. In fact, this comment came from a "top fan" on our facebook page, which leads me to believe that she is likely very "plugged in" and well-informed.
My simple post read, "Sorry, no opting out. Parents wake up and WALK AWAY!", to which she responded, "This makes me so mad! The government does not have the right to force these things on children, and take away the parents rights to say 'no!'"
Here's the bad news...
Actually, the government has the legal right to force anything they want on the children who are dropped off by their parents, at government funded, government run schools. Under the legal principal of "In Loco Parentis" these government schools become the legal guardians of their students while they are in their "care". Parents who don't want the government to determine how their children will be raised, trained, indoctrinated, and discipled (let alone, what type of medical treatments or birth control methods they will receive) must understand that the only way they have any say is if they keep them home.
Schools are not taking away any rights from parents, especially the right to say "no". Parents forfeit their rights, their parental authority, and far too much of their influence the day they enroll their precious young sons and daughters in kindergarten.
It is quite presumptuous for parents to turn their children over to "more qualified" people to teach them and develop their character, then to complain about how they are being taught and trained. It is especially silly to expect schools that openly espouse anti-Christian and anti-family philosophies, such as evolution, secular humanism, multiculturalism, the LGBT agenda, and socialism to do anything other than raise anti-family, secular humanists who embrace multiculturalism, the LGBT agenda, and socialism. It is no surprise that this is exactly what we are seeing in culture, and the consequences are devastating. This is why the only option for "opting out" that has any effect is to take your children home!
Ready to take your children back? Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for free tonight and learn how. After you have watched the movie, download the Free Homeschool Survival Kit. This free 70+ page resource will give you the encouragement and tools you need to start strong and finish well.
Want even more encouragement? Visit HomegrownGeneration.com, where you will find over 50 hours of homeschool encouragement.
"Nope" graffiti - Photo by Daniel Herron on Unsplash
Red hand - Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash
"No" red sign - Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash