Exploring the Public School Conflict: Lessons from History

"Education is very powerful. We've accomplished wonderful things through education, but also great evils have come through the education system."

John Stamper

Yvette Hampton recently interviewed John Stamper, an educator with a diverse background in both public and private schools. Stamper, author of Conflicted: Pulling Back the Curtain on Public Education, shared his experiences as a homeschool graduate turned long-time public school teacher and his insights regarding the conflict that these schools present for teachers, students, and parents.

Exploring The Public School Conflict:

John Stamper's journey began in a small rural community in Indiana, where the local public school had allowed outside community groups, like the Gideons, to distribute Bibles to interested students. However, when a lawsuit challenged this practice, claiming a violation of the separation of church and state, Stamper witnessed firsthand the debates and court rulings that ultimately led to a ban prohibiting the distribution Bibles in schools. This event incited Stamper's parents to bring their children home from school at a time when home education was considered by many to be a fringe movement.

Reflecting on this transformative event, Stamper's mother wrote an article titled "The Absence of the Bible Leads to Moral Decay" in their local newspaper, which shed light on the significance of Biblical values in education. This article quickly received widespread attention and John's parents were featured on national talk shows, including the Maury Povich Show and the Phil Donahue Show.

Ironically, years later John Stamper would find himself faced with the decision of whether or not he could continue to teach in the public schools in light of the degenerate moral positions that were being promoted in these schools.

Watch or listen to part 1 here.

Studying History and Learning from the Past:

“Hitler said in Nazi Germany that if the older generation cannot get accustomed to us, we shall take their children away from them and rear them as needful to the fatherland. So there's this perceived moral obligation to teach children about things, and if they agree, great. But if the parents don't agree, we're going to do it anyway because we're going to teach them what's needful to the fatherland sort of mindset, where there's just the undermining of parents and family."

John Stamper

Stamper drew parallels between the rise of Marxism and communism in nations like the USSR, Germany, and China, and the American education system. He emphasized the importance of understanding history as a roadmap, highlighting the positive and negative outcomes that have resulted from education's power. Stamper stated, "We need to learn from history, understand what has worked and what hasn't during different periods. Without this knowledge, we risk repeating the mistakes of the past."

Watch or listen to part 2 here.

Taking Charge of Our Children's Education:

For Stamper, the conflict in public schools and the undermining of parental authority is a significant concern. He advocates for parents to take charge of their children's education, emphasizing the importance of teaching the truth of God's Word, with an emphasis on history. Stamper encourages parents to love and train their children to be warriors, equipping them with the tools necessary to navigate the challenges of the world. He believes that homeschooling provides the opportunity for parents to educate and disciple their children in accordance with their values and beliefs.

Watch or listen to part 3 here.

Writing a Bold Book:

"Be a light in the darkness. Show your kids and others around you what it means to have faith and praise in tough times. Your actions and words matter, so let's model that for our children and be an example for everyone."

John Stamper

Since leaving his public school teaching position, John Stamper has established himself as a valued teacher in the homeschooling world, offering several different programs through Masterbooks Academy. Additionally, he has written the groundbreaking book, Conflicted: Pulling Back the Curtain on Public Education. This must-read reference delves into controversial topics such as teachers unions and the challenges Christian teachers face within the public schooling system. Stamper acknowledges that it takes courage to address these issues, as they involve powerful entities. He believes that he was called by God to write the book and expose these deep-rooted problems.

Recommended Resources:

Conflicted: Pulling Back the Curtain on Public Education, by John Stamper

Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask, by Israel Wayne

Education: Does God Have an Opinion, Israel Wayne

Demystifying Learning Styles – Tyler Hogan on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast

Is College Worth It, by William J. Bennett

Getting Started in Homeschooling - Israel Wayne on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast 

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