• When “Freedom” Goes Too Far…

    To date, we’ve recorded almost 800 episodes of the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. In that time, we’ve seen a few often-recurring themes discussed. Without a doubt, “freedom” is at the top of the list. Homeschooling brings and expands FREEDOM for families. We are free to teach to our children’s strengths and passions. We are free to teach the subjects we want, from the books we want to use, at the times we want, wherever we want. Most importantly, we are free to teach our children the TRUTH according to God’s Word. Homeschooling and freedom go hand in hand. That fact is TERRIFYING to many.  Some form of the question “what about parents…

  • Hope is Alive: Winning the Fight to Save our Families and our Nation

    “No matter what happens in American politically… our job is to serve God and serve our fellow man, regardless of those outer circumstances.” Rick Green Yvette Hampton recently sat down for a thought-provoking conversation with “America’s Constitution Coach” Rick Green, which challenges common misconceptions surrounding Christians’ role in society, advocating for active engagement in the civic process, from the local level to the federal level. With thought-provoking insights and a passion for preserving liberty, Rick’s words resonate deeply, offering hope and inspiration for families who want to preserve our republic. A Critical Misunderstanding: One of the key mistakes that many citizens believe is that that Christians should stay out of…

  • Rediscovering the Power of Family in Education

    Recently on the Schoolhouse Rocked podcast, host Yvette Hampton had an enlightening conversation with Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins on the Declaration of Educational Independence, and about the urgent need to redefine education in America. This thought-provoking interview discusses the reasons behind the growing recognition that the current public school system is failing our children and proposes an alternative approach rooted in the fundamental principles of family government. Recognizing the Problem: As the communication delved into the issue of government involvement in education, both Newman and Bortins stressed the importance of defining the end goal and principles underlying the educational system. As Newman states, “We need an end goal. We…

  • The Benefits of Homeschooling, Part 2

    “Anxiety in teens is higher than it’s ever been. Because these kids are having to perform at a standard that is a generalized standard that they don’t necessarily fit into and it does make sense because when we remove God’s design and plan, we end up with these things like depression. Because the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is my strength. And so when I’m sent into a place every day where, well, God is there but where I’m not allowed to be taught about God or speak of God or see God or do things God’s way, then it’s not going to be a joy-filled…

  • The Benefits of Homeschooling, Part 1

    “God’s way is best. God has a best design. When God designed us to be parents and he laid out in his word as to what it means to be parents, he gave us directions to go with that, that would guide us to be the best parents we can be. He does that with everything. How can you best manage money? How can you best be married? How can you best even run a business and a government? It’s everything that we need for life and godliness is in his word. And so with that is also how can we best raise our children? And the Bible is very…

  • 20 Reasons to Homeschool

    Note: This article, by Israel Wayne, is an excerpt from the Homeschool Survival Kit. When the modern-day homeschooling movement started in the early 1980s, there were many skeptics. Today, through many studies and research from groups like the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), we know, factually, that homeschoolers excel. On average, homeschoolers surpass their public-schooled counterparts in every measurable area (academically and socially). Here are just a few of the dozens of valid reasons millions of families have chosen to home educate their children: There are many great homeschooling support organizations, like HSLDA on…