• When “Freedom” Goes Too Far…

    To date, we’ve recorded almost 800 episodes of the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. In that time, we’ve seen a few often-recurring themes discussed. Without a doubt, “freedom” is at the top of the list. Homeschooling brings and expands FREEDOM for families. We are free to teach to our children’s strengths and passions. We are free to teach the subjects we want, from the books we want to use, at the times we want, wherever we want. Most importantly, we are free to teach our children the TRUTH according to God’s Word. Homeschooling and freedom go hand in hand. That fact is TERRIFYING to many.  Some form of the question “what about parents…

  • Unlocking the Power of Homeschooling: Research Insights from Dr. Brian Ray

    “I don’t think there’s any way for anybody to make an argument that institutionalizing children in these places we call school, where most of us went, is improving their psychological health.” – Dr. Brian Ray In a world where traditional schooling can sometimes leave children feeling lost in the crowd, many parents are turning to an alternative education option that provides a personalized and values-driven learning experience for their children – the homeschool revolution! In a recent interview on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, premier homeschooling researcher, and founder of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI.org), Dr. Brian Ray shared his groundbreaking research and powerful insights on the effectiveness and benefits…