• Quiet Time and Bible Study: Nurturing a Biblical Worldview with Naomi Vacaro

    Finding the balance between daily responsibilities and personal spiritual nourishment can be challenging, but it’s a journey that many believers can relate to. In a recent discussion on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, Naomi Vacaro sat down with host, Yvette Hampton to share some profound insights into the power of daily quiet time and the significance of nurturing a biblical worldview. Drawing from her personal experiences as a homeschooled missionary kid in Mongolia, Naomi highlighted the transformative impact of merging faith and education, shedding light on the importance of prioritizing time with God. Emphasizing the benefits of abiding with God through the study of his Word and prayer, Naomi’s perspective stands…

  • Homeschooling with Confidence: Israel Wayne on Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Home Education

    “The goal of the parent should not be to try to force all these billions of bits of information into their child’s brain. It should be teaching your child how to learn rather than…cramming your child’s head full of information bits.” Israel Wayne Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity for parents to tailor their child’s education to their individual needs and strengths. However, it is not without its challenges. Thankfully, long-time home education leader, author and speaker, Israel Wayne, an early homeschool graduate himself, lays out the key factors in avoiding the pitfalls of homeschooling. Israel joined Yvette for a session of our 2023 Homegrown Generation Family Expo and shared a…

  • Bringing Christ-Centered Homeschooling to Life: Insights from Amy Sloan

    “Having Christ at the center of our homeschools means more than just isolated Bible lessons. It’s about integrating scripture into every aspect of our day and modeling a Christian life for our children.” Amy Sloan I recently sat down for a thought-provoking conversation with Amy Sloan, of Humility and Doxology, delving into the significance of making Christ the center of our homeschool. Offering a wealth of wisdom from her personal experiences, Amy shared valuable insights on nurturing faith, cultivating relationships, and embracing the unique journey of homeschooling. In this article, we will explore the key takeaways from this inspiring interview, highlighting a few powerful quotes from Amy that encapsulate the…

  • Older and younger woman cooking together

    How Can I Find a Homeschooling Mentor?

    Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella continue their homeschool Q&A series with a discussion on homeschool parent mentors. Where can you find a mentor? What are the benefits of having one? Is the internet really enough, or could in-person interactions be even more valuable? Yvette Hampton: This question says, “I need a Christian homeschooling mentor that can walk me through and help me step by step.” Oh, I love this question. Aby Rinella: Yes, you do. We all do. Yvette Hampton: Yes, we do. And let me just say that is so much of the reason why we do what we do at Schoolhouse Rocked. Aby and I do not spend…

  • A Firm Foundation

    The longer I homeschool, the more I realize that establishing a proper foundation for education is critical. While teaching knowledge is important, we are told in Proverbs that, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”  It is critical that we teach character and worldview, but we know that if character and worldview aren’t based on truth of God’s Word they are worthless. Hannah Leary is a 2015 homeschool graduate and serves as the cohost of the National Bible Bee competition. As the winner of the inaugural National Bible Bee Game Show and a competitor in the National Bible Bee competition for six years, through it she’s been…