Family Business and Training Young Entrepreneurs

For those of you with older students, this story will be a huge encouragement to you, but It’s not just for those with older children. As we homeschool, our goal should always be to raise capable, successful adults, even when our children our young. Rhea Perry has some great encouragement in that area. Rhea educated her seven children at home, starting in 1987, and now trains homeschool families, around the world, to be successful entrepreneurs.

Mentorship is key, because we are not taught to think like entrepreneurs. We talk about America being an entrepreneurial country, but yet our government education system teaches us all to be employees. That’s all it does. There is no place in education, including the MBA, where you are ever taught to have a home business or think for yourself. If you’re going to do that, you’re going to have to learn it from somebody else. In fact, nowadays, our government education is teaching us to have a government job. Not just a job, but a government job.

Yvette Hampton:           I can’t wait for you to hear Rhea’s story. because it’s a great one. When her oldest son was 18, he started a business which replaced his dad’s income in just three years. Her second son owns and operates a successful commercial and industrial roofing company. Now a widow and award winning home business owner, Rhea helps families learn how to educate their kids to be leaders and to build home businesses. She hosts two annual live conferences and mentors families through her home business coaching program. Welcome Rhea!

Rhea Perry:                   Thank you so much for having me, Yvette. I love what you guys do and I’m so excited to be here.

Yvette:                         Oh, thank you. We got to meet you couple years ago at the Lifeschooling Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. You were one of the speakers there and you were just so encouraging. You talked a lot about home business and about just training children to be entrepreneurs, and then we went to your home business conference several months later and again we were just so overwhelmed and blown away, in a good way, by the message that you were sharing. You are a homeschool mom, who has been really successful in teaching your kids how to become entrepreneurs, and not just your own kids, but families all around the world. Tell us your story.

Listen to Rhea Perry on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast (6/4/2019 episode)

Rhea:                            Well, I would love to, because basically it’s what God has done in our life. I never intended to homeschool our children. I have a degree in education from a major university and I just thought that we would live the normal life like everybody else lives. We would have our two children and everything would be fine. Right after we got married, my husband, who had almost two master’s degrees in education, said I would like for us to homeschool the children. I said forget that. I am not doing that. After 10 years of trying public school, Christian school, private school with our oldest two children, nothing was working the way that we wanted it to, and so we just decided to give it a shot for one year. I said okay, I’ll try it. You’ve been there. One year…

So, we bought some expensive curriculum that was secular. Used it for two weeks, threw it out, and then just kind of went to the library. Along the way, we met Bob and Tina Farewell and worked for them. They had a company called Lifetime Books & Gifts years ago. They carried five children across the country in a bus, six months out of the year, to take the most wonderful living books resources to homeschoolers all over the country. We went to work for them and they taught me how to homeschool our children in the second year, then we started homeschooling. People would come up to us all the time and they would say sure, Charlotte Mason is wonderful and this lifestyle of learning concept is really good, but what about high school? So, we were constantly trying to figure out what to do about high school. About that time, my oldest son had to take a standardized test, and I could tell by the way he took the test this was not going to go well and he was not going to be able to play the game you have to play to go to college. So, I told my husband we needed to start looking at something else. About that time, we started selling, with Lifetime Books & Gifts, Robert Kiyosaki’s books, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I believed what he said and we started studying real estate and doing different things that he mentioned in his books because he was from an educator’s family, which I was too. We started selling of real estate. We moved to the country when Drew, my oldest son, was 14. I just gave him the outside and I said okay, figure out how to monetize this and I’ll keep all the children on the inside, educated and contained and happy. And I was pregnant all the time, so I was always sick and not doing very well. So, he started studying different ways to bring his dad home, and that’s what he did for his high school year, starting on when he was 14.

Watch the video of this interview, which includes almost 30 minutes of bonus content, on our Backstage Pass website.

He started off with farming, then he studied the stock market, studied eBay. Sold everything in my basement. Studied internet marketing. Studied lots of different topics. He bought and sold 70 houses during that time.

But, he bought a house he couldn’t get rid of, so we tried to sell it on eBay and created a system for selling houses on eBay, using eBay as the vehicle to sell the houses but then we offered owner financing. It worked out really well. He created a course. He would speak at the real estate investment club meetings when he was about, I don’t know, 17, 18, in Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham, and he would make $30,000 in a night selling his course, to these old guys who didn’t know how to use the internet. I looked at that and I said okay, my son, who is not super educated, is making $30,000 in an hour like I had seen my internet marketing friends do. My super educated husband was making $35,000 in a year.

That’s when I said okay, I am seeing and I am living exactly what I have been told about the American dream. So, we started looking at things differently. Long story short, it took about three years for us to go through all that process and we brought my husband home from his job in corporate America and he was able to stay home with his dad, who lived in our guest house next door, for about three years. His dad died when he was here with us for that time, so that was really wonderful. My husband also got sick, and so right after that, he died. I was left with four of our seven children still at home when I was 55 years old. I didn’t want to have to go get a job and leave the home. I wanted to be able to stay home with my kids and continue homeschooling. I had started a little internet business. I had a little membership site called Educating for Success, where we just talked about how to homeschool your children for home business and specific home businesses.

We started that, ramped it up a little bit. Started a coaching program with it, which is still going after all these years. Started that in 2005. It took off and went, and then we started hosting conferences. The first one was in my house. The second one was in my house. The third one we had, we went to the university down the road, and then we started having them in hotels and now we’re in state parks, because state parks are more family friendly. We just kind of stumbled into something. I brought those internet marketers that I saw making millions of dollars and, in short periods of time, I brought those guys to the homeschool families who were trying to figure out how to make money from home, put those two groups together and they’ve ministered very well to each. So, we host a conference once a year, where we bring them in. Then, I got invited to go overseas, so I travel internationally now and talk to people wherever I’m invited to go. Talk to them about how they can teach their children to have home businesses. That’s pretty much what I do in a nutshell. Just your regular, average Joe.

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Yvette:                         One of the things I love about your conference is that it’s for families, because I know a lot of business conferences, obviously, are for adults, because they’re business conferences. You take an adult, typically I would say in their 20s or 30s, bring them into this business conference, teach them how to be business owners, entrepreneurs, and such. Oftentimes, those people are in a situation where they might have a family that they’re supporting or they might have a job already and they’re trying to figure out how to get out of that job and how to get into this lifestyle of owning their own business, but it’s hard to break out of that once you’re in that adult life. Many people will just take that leap of faith, but when you have a family, that can be a little bit intimidating to do.

Your conference, one of the things that was so impressive to me is that there were children, I mean young children, like I would say all the way down to four or five years old, who were in the conference, participating in it, and being able to hear the stories of all of these people and these leaders who you bring in and how they have been successful in owning businesses. It’s not like you brought in people who sell Pampered Chef and Plexus and all those. Now, there’s that aspect of home business as well, and I know a lot of people are very successful in doing that, but you had authors who would come in and talk about writing books and how they have been able to monetize that. And a podcaster, who was able to monetize his podcast. There are so many different ways. You talked about selling on eBay, and I know a lot of people sell on eBay and Amazon and things like that. There are so many different ways. Where do you find these people to come in and be able to educate and pass on their knowledge to the people who are at your conference?

Rhea:                            Well, Yvette, that’s a great question. I just feel so blessed that the Lord has put me in the middle of the internet millionaires. Guys who create things like home businesses that serve people online, like popups. I know nobody likes popups, but somebody had to create that kind of thing and monetized it. The guy that created popups and the entire concept of that was my mentor. I just have been blessed. Like, in 2003, it was just a magic year for me. The Lord put me in a bunch of different conferences during that time, where I met a lot of different people, and then I maintained those relationships through the years. When I find out that somebody is doing something that works really well, like Amazon, the peer leader of Amazon is one of my dear friends, and when it took off and just went crazy, I just contacted him and said hey, first of all, you need to have an event. So, I hosted his event for him for six years. Then, I said why don’t you come speak to our people about selling on Amazon? We also kind of keep our eye on what’s happening because sometimes doors shut. Different things that were working don’t work anymore. What happens is a window opens somewhere.

I always tell people you have to have multiple streams of income and you need to keep your eyes open because those streams can change. Streams that are, well, rivers, that are on the ground actually do change. They move. You have to pay attention to when things move. In Ecclesiastes 11:2, it says “divide your portions to seven, or even to eight, because you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.” Yet, our government education system says just go have one job. Well, if you have one job and the mom in the household stops her job, quits or doesn’t go to work or whatever, so that she can stay home and homeschool the children and you have one job in your house and something happens to that one job or to the person who has that one job, you have no income. Well, I think that Solomon, in all his wisdom, is saying look, if you have multiple streams of income, if you have seven different projects, like say five different rental houses, a job, and a network marketing company, that’s seven different streams of income, and something happens to one of those, you still have six more. I think that we should look at the Bible and follow the wisdom of Solomon rather than what we’ve been taught in our government education system.

The other thing I don’t really like is the median income in our country, and we’re talking about America here, is $52,000 a year. Yet, it takes $70,000 a year to be poor. There’s a book by Josh Tolley, Evangelpreneur. He did a study and he said how much does it cost to live? Because he was about to get married. He was a single young man. He said I want to know how much it costs to get married. So, he did a study. Turns out, to be poor, you have to have $70,000. Yet, everybody’s proud and aiming at $52,000 for a family of four. And then you have 7 children or 10 children or 15 children, like some of my friends do, and you’re going to live on $52,000 a year, well, I don’t think that’s going to work very well. You’ve got to do something different. One of the things that we encourage our families to do, and this is why I love having children at the events, is if you’re stuck in that standard family model that the government education system has taught us, a man can’t get out of it by himself because he’s usually working too many hours and he comes home and he’s just exhausted. He can’t do anything else. Or, he might even be working two jobs already.

Backstage Pass Members can watch our full interview with Josh Tolley, where he talks more about homeschooling and entrepreneurship.

If mom and the children can step in and say look, let’s do a project. Let’s get all of our school work done by 12:00, 1:00. Let’s work on projects in the afternoon and see if we can create some income so that we can encourage dad and also replace his income. If you’ve got a couple older children in the house, I’m talking 10, 12 years old, they are very capable, and a lot of the people that we hire are that age. They own their own businesses, they’re not employees. We hire them as contractors. They advise us and they do technical work for us, because young people these days are very smart. So, I just encourage these families to work together on bringing their dad home. Once the project money that they’re creating in the afternoons exceeds the money that dad is making, then he can quit his job and come home if he wants to. Sometimes they don’t want to. Sometimes they like what they’re doing. But, at least now, they have more money coming into the household.

It’s not about being rich and having a lot of stuff, but another concept I believe in is we are here on this earth to help others. We’re here to serve. That’s what we’re here for. We have products, we have services. We have skills, abilities, talents. We’re here to help other people. If all I do is make enough money for me to just barely get by, which is what I hear people say all the time, oh, I just want to barely get by, I don’t want to be selfish, then if you have a need and you call me and say hey, I need $10 and I say well, I’m sorry about that but I can’t help you because I don’t have any money because I just barely get by, I’m not able to help you. What happens if you need $1,000? I’m not able to help you. When we are living with an abundance mindset rather than a poverty mindset, we’re able to do what I think that the Lord has us to do, and that is to serve others.

Yvette:                         I want to talk about some of the success stories. You talk about how hard it is to just quit your job and jump into this whole life of being a business owner, an entrepreneur. We actually have a neat story of our family, and I think I’ve told this before on the podcast, but I don’t know how detailed I’ve gotten about it. About four years ago, I guess it was, my husband had been working in the Hollywood film industry, and he had been in that industry for many years. He loved what he did, but he didn’t really believe in the product that he was producing. We’re not big TV watchers, we’re not big movie watchers. I mean, we enjoy them every now and then, but that’s just not us. But, he was designed for filmmaking. He’s very good at it. He loved what he did, but he really wanted to do something that was going to really impact God’s kingdom. For years and years and years, he felt like he needed to get out of that industry, but he felt stuck because he thought well, I don’t have another job. And he worked so much that he didn’t have time to look for another job. It was just this crazy, vicious cycle that he was on for many years. Until one day, he literally just said I’m done.

Without having another job in the background, he just quit. He called me up one day, and the girls and I still talk about how we rejoiced. He said I just quit. I’m not doing this anymore. I’m coming home. We literally jumped up and down and rejoiced, and then we got on our knees and we prayed. We were like okay, Lord, You’ve got this. So, he quit cold turkey, and he went several months without having a job. But then, he went to work for our church and he went to teach film production at a Christian school for a year, and he really loved doing that but really felt like the Lord had put it on his heart for us to go out and make this documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked. So, we took a huge leap of faith. We just said Lord, we’re going to lay this fleece before you. We’re going to trust you, if this is really what you want us to do. We’re going to trust you to provide. So, we sold our house, we sold all of our stuff. We loaded up into an RV, and for the past two and a half years, we’ve been traveling and filming this documentary. And it has been an incredible journey for us. What’s been incredible about it is not our faith in taking that step, but being able to watch the hand of God provide for our family, because we serve an incredibly big God.

For those of you who are listening, and you don’t know that, let me just tell you, we serve a very, very big and very faithful God. What many people see as maybe foolish for him to leave a job where we had security and he had a pretty healthy paycheck coming in and we had a nice house, to give all of that up to follow what God was calling our family to do seems foolish. But, we didn’t do it carelessly, and we still don’t do it carelessly. We are very intentional about everything that we do. But, we also trust that the Lord is going to provide for us, and He has provided for us miraculously over the last couple of years. That’s our story. We’re still in the midst of our story. God is still writing this story for us, as I speak. It’s so neat to be part of what God has called us to do because we get to do something that is impacting culture and impacting God’s kingdom and people, and drawing people’s hearts towards homeschooling, because we strongly believe in homeschooling. We believe it’s the best way to disciple your children’s hearts. Anyway, that’s our story, but I would love for you to share some of the other success stories of people who you’ve worked with before.

Rhea:                            Sure. We have many, many success stories, but I don’t have permission to tell them because these people are very humble. So, I’ll tell you a few. Three or four years ago, a lady came to me at one of the homeschool conventions. I speak at 10 homeschool conventions in the summer on home business. I’m the only person that talks about the things that I talk about, like creating passive income and things like that, at the homeschool conventions. A lady came to me and she had this face. Oh my goodness, she was in such despair. She had two older boys, and I think she had two or three little kids at that time. She said we’re sinking. We’re not making it. I don’t know what to do. I sat down and I talked with her in my booth, because I set my booth up not like you do at a typical trade show, where there’s a table between you and the people, I turn it sideways and put chairs in a circle and make it like a living room and say come into my space. Let’s sit down and talk for three hours, and we do. I just asked her some questions about who she was and what she liked to do and what were her goals in life and her values and things like that.

I just asked her a couple questions about Amazon and shopping and selling and things. I helped her create a business, selling stuff on Amazon. I put her in touch with the person I thought was the best person to teach her how to do that, buy a little course to do that. And then, these two teenage boys walked up and they said hey mom, can we have the car keys? Or something. I looked at them and I was like are these your guys? She said yes. I said can they drive? She goes yes. I said cha-ching. Pay dirt. This is awesome. Teach these guys how to work with you and send them out to go do some shopping for you, and you can stay home with the little kids. This is going to work. Well, every time I saw her for the next two or three years, she got more and more excited.

We actually had her speak at our conference this past February, at our Home Education for Home Business Conference. In two years, she had replaced her husband’s income. He was a public school teacher. She tripled his income in two years. Had a baby, and got sick from the baby, from when she was pregnant. She had a bad pregnancy. Had the baby, recovered from that, and was still sick. Brought her husband home, and one of the boys, I think, graduated from school or something. They were helping her, but I think they’re actually both gone now. That was two years. They beat us. She actually says, now, that she last year made $175,000. Homeschool mom. She has given us permission to share that. She shared that at our last conference. I was super proud of her.

Another lady that was a vendor at the homeschool conventions years ago was working with her husband, and her husband was the one that was providing the service. It was technical IT stuff. I looked at him one day and I thought okay, this man looks very sick to me. I went up to her and talked to her at one of the shows and I said is he okay? She said no, he’s not okay. I said well, if anything happens, call me. Well, she called me a year or two later and she said he died. I said I’m so sorry. I totally know your pain. I know how this is. She goes I don’t know what I’m going to do. So, I taught her how to do a project. She had a six year old daughter still at home. Her children had all left home, but she had this one daughter left at home. She works with that daughter and they sell things online too. Now, the daughter has taken over. She loves it. She plays with the phone and she does videos of herself when they go out and buy things and puts them up online. They are making money and doing very well.

We host a summer home business contest every year, where the winner wins $1,000, and that year, they won it. Now, Joy was six years old when she did. You’re going to say well, a six year old is not old enough to win a contest. Well, what I teach these young people is when you don’t have what you need, you partner with somebody who has what you do need, which is old age. So, the mom entered the contest, even though Joy did a lot of the work, and they won. This last year, we had a girl in South Carolina who had actually had an automobile accident and was severely brain damaged.

She’s a horse whisperer, and she’s going through some recover, therapy and all, but during that time, she kept on training horses and she became very concerned that people who are going through trauma recovery phases bond really well with animals. So, she started training miniature horses to go serve people who have special needs of all kinds. She entered the contest this last year and she won. She was 14, so she entered with her mom. Because she was only 14, her mom had to enter. Her mom is a veterinarian who uses homeopathic oil to help animals and she is a Young Living distributor too. They are just doing very, very well in spite of having a very hard year, because all three, the mom and the two children, were all three in the car accident and it was just devastating to them.

We have a young man who was 11 when I hired him to be a teacher of a lady who had two children older than him that were in public high school, to teach her how to sell things on Amazon. He did that. He did 10 sessions with her and got paid. Then, we sent him to China with his dad to go learn how to buy and sell directly from the manufacturers in China. While he was there, he was actually at a training session, and he made a little video on his iPad while his training session was going on. He was 12 years old. He showed it to the host of the conference and the guy played it on the next session on a gigantic screen and he told all the people that were there, he said this is what you guys need to do if you’re going to be selling online. You have to have little videos and know how to put them out there online.

Then, he had the guy come up there on the stage and he goes now, can they hire you to put their videos together, for like 30 second videos? He goes yeah, sure. So, in two minutes, this young, 12 year old man made $1,200. He’s now helping his family sell online and they all work together. They’re working on bringing their mother home from her job as a doctor. So, we have lots of people all across the country. These are in South Carolina, Michigan. We have one in Georgia. A man went with me on a cruise and talked to one person at breakfast. Came home and changed one digit on his website and doubled his income. This year, I believe he’s about to triple it. And he sells cats online. That’s all he does. Lots of crazy stories. I mean, there’s all kinds of ways of making money out there. You just have to find what works for you.

Yvette:                         Yeah, that’s right. We’ve talked a lot about this on the podcast. God has given every single one of us a gift and a talent and an ability to do something. I know sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly what that is and what your passion is and how God will use you to be able to do those things, but He will. If you just lay that at his feet and surrender to Him, He will help you through it. It’s very exciting. I was talking to a friend yesterday, Teresa Bowen, and she said something to me that was one of those things I said I’ve got to just remember this. She said walk with the wise and be wise. It’s such a true statement.

If we walk with people who are wise, we’re going to be wise. If we walk with fools, we’re going to be foolish. Becoming an entrepreneur and becoming, even with our kids, someone who is going to be successful at doing business, if we walk with people who have done it well before us, it doesn’t always mean we have to do it exactly the way that they’ve done it, but learn from them. Walk beside those people and just glean wisdom from them. I know you talk a lot about mentorship at your conference and through just your different platforms that you have. What have you seen mentorship be able to do for people who are trying to earn a living and earn an income from home?

Rhea:                            Mentorship is key, because we are not taught to think like entrepreneurs. We talk about America being an entrepreneurial country, but yet our government education system teaches us all to be employees. That’s all it does. There is no place in education, including the MBA, where you are ever taught to have a home business or think for yourself. If you’re going to do that, you’re going to have to learn it from somebody else. In fact, nowadays, our government education is teaching us to have a government job. Not just a job, but a government job. If you’re trained in that mindset for 12 or 14 or 16 or 18 or 20 years, it’s hard to break out of that, so you have to have somebody that comes along side of you and talks to you and teaches you how to think that is different. What I do by bringing these, a lot of them are millionaires. I like to have millionaires because they are qualified. You don’t want to learn how to make money from somebody who understands the scriptural principles or has some great ideas or philosophy or theory. You want to see that they know what they’re doing. So, I bring in people who are proven experts to talk to people.

They come in and they teach, just by the sessions that they do, they teach people. They challenge the way that they think and they help them to try to get over that mindset they’re being taught. What I realized from going to conferences with my children for years is that being indoctrinated in that mindset for so long is hard to overcome. When you take your young people, who are trusting and believing and who have not been exposed to that to a conference and somebody stands up and says you can if you think you can, and if you put your mind to it and learn how to turn that computer on, it’s actually an ATM. It’ll crank out money if you know how to use it. They believe that. Now, those of us who are skeptical and older, we go oh, no. My brother’s sister’s friend’s barber’s cousin told me that that wouldn’t work. We’re very skeptical and we don’t trust new things sometimes, and we don’t trust the internet. We just don’t understand the whole concept at all. But, these young people get it.

What I love is when a family comes together to our conference and they sit and they listen together, I don’t have childcare or another room for the kids to go off and play somewhere else. I want those kids sitting right there in that room, in that big ballroom with their parents, so that when they go home … Now, they’ll do a bunch of cool, fun stuff while they’re there because we have lots of things going on at night. We have English country dancing and cryptocurrency talks and lots of other things. But, when they go home, when they’re riding home, they’re going to talk about what they heard. The parents are going to have one perspective of it and the young people are going to have another perspective. Sometimes the older people don’t get it, but if there are seeds planted in those young people’s minds that they think that they can do something different, then they will step out and do something and try things that are new that the parents never would.

An example of that is Drew had a course on how to sell houses on eBay years ago. He turned it off, unfortunately, and somebody else bought it, so it is out there still for sale. He taught this course and there was a family in Texas that bought the course from him. They went home and the young man sent him a video about a month later. The boy was 14 years old. He said hey, Drew. Just want to let you know mom bought your course and gave it to me because we wanted to sell our house. We didn’t know if it would work or not, but I sold the house. Here’s the check. I just wanted to show you it works. Thanks. Appreciate it. The mom might’ve been a little apprehensive about trying to do something that was different, because back then nobody sold houses on eBay like we did, and this young person said hey, well, if Drew can do it, I can do it. That’s what they need to see. Mentors come in all shapes and sizes. You just never know who is going to end up mentoring you. Some of the best ones come along in an informal situation.

My oldest son went to a auto mechanic two days a week when he was 12. My husband would just drop him off at work and then pick him up on the way back. All he did was just work at the auto mechanic’s shop all day long. He learned a tremendous amount of things about machines. Well now, he owns three dirt companies and he has a lot of tractors. He also flips tractors online, all kinds of machinery. He’ll bring a piece of machinery home. Buy it somewhere, fix it up, spray paint it Rust-Oleum yellow, pressure wash it, and then flip it the next day or two and make some money on it. He loves it. He’s a guy, they love tinkering with things like that. He learned how to do the mechanic work from a man who he just spent some time with, and then that man actually ended up homeschooling his youngest child. So, it works out so that it’s win-win for everybody.

Yvette:                         Yes. Oh, that’s so awesome. We are out of time for the podcast, but I want to continue this conversation for our Backstage Pass Members, because I have a few more questions I want to ask you. I would love for you to tell homeschool moms, give some very specific things … And, I should say dads. I always say homeschool moms, I think, because I’m a mom and so naturally I say homeschool moms, but we have several dads who listen to the podcast as well. Dads, I am sorry. I don’t ever mean to offend you by saying moms. For homeschool parents listening, let’s continue the conversation. Can you maybe give some very specific steps that they can take to helping their children to become entrepreneurs?

Rhea:                            Well, first of all, I think that entrepreneurial spirit is already inside of everybody, because God is an entrepreneur. We were made in the image of God. I think that everybody has an entrepreneurial spirit. I think what happens is our education system crushes that. People tell you all through your early life that won’t work, and so you crush those dreams down inside of you. What we do is we just speak life to them and say hey, what’s inside of you that you’ve always wanted to do? Don’t be afraid to trust God. Don’t tell your children no all the time. Don’t try to control everything that they do. Let them go. Because so many times, they’ll come to you with a crazy idea, like my boys did. Hey, let’s sell this house for a penny on eBay. One of them said a penny, one of them said $1. I’m like what? I was thinking to myself you can’t do that on eBay, but we don’t mock our children at this house!

Don’t say we can’t afford that. Say how can we afford that? If they come to you with a project, just say I don’t see it. How are you going to make that happen? Including, how are you going to finance it? How are you going to pay for this thing? Just give them the responsibility. Don’t think that you have to follow what the states says that we have to do to the letter of the law, because there’s a lot of leeway inside of our state regulations. A lot of times they say they want you to have four years of math. Well then, study bookkeeping and accounting and statistics and marketing and things like that to get credit for your math. Make sure that you’re including real things. Use real books, real projects, and real people. Keep your academics to the morning and do cool, fun stuff in the afternoons.

You can find Rhea Perry on Facebook at

Make plans now to join Rhea for her excellent Home Business Conferencetaking place August 8-10, 2019 at the Lodge at Lake Guntersville State Park in North Alabama!

Learn more about her online community of entrepreneurs at and get a FREE COPY of 10 Things Mama Rhea Taught Her Children about Home Business: Investing in my children’s education to enable them to leave home with the knowledge and skills necessary to live financially free.


Photo by Anne Preble on Unsplash