Making the Decision to Homeschool – The Ultimate Guide

Making the decision to homeschool is huge for most families. There is so much fear, so many questions, and so much concern. “Am I doing the right thing for my child? Will I fail? What will my neighbors think?”

It’s enough to keep you up at night, and it probably does! It can be nearly impossible to just take that leap. You don’t want to step off the cliff blind, but still feel like public or private school isn’t for you. What is a family to do?

The biggest problem is that most new homeschoolers went to traditional school, right? What we know is the big yellow school bus and desks in a row. It isn’t what we want for our children, but how does homeschooling work anyway?

Imagine having all the information you needed to make an informed choice. I mean isn’t that what we want as parents, plenty of information to make the right choice? And then we need the inspiration and answers to be confident that the decision is best for our family? That would be amazing!

Peace, calm, and a final decision…ahhh…bliss!

You can have this with The Ultimate Guide to Making the Decision to Homeschool. It is a self paced resource that gives you the peace of mind and tools to make this life changing decision. No more jumping blindly off a cliff hoping it will work.

You can build a thriving and successful homeschool. Take the first step with this free resource.

If you are already homeschooling, but know someone who is not quite sure about starting, please pass this on to them. I am confident that this excellent, free resource will be a blessing to them.

Want more information on this subject? Read “The Who, Why, and How of Homeschooling” by Aby Rinella, Karen DeBeus, and Yvette Hampton.

“Ultimately, God really called me. I started to really pray about it, and a few people approached me and said, “Have you thought about homeschooling?” And I was like, “No, because that’s not something we’re going to do.” And so it really started, though, to chase me down; God started to chase me down. Because I think, deep down, I did sort of admire what I knew about homeschooling, but I just thought, “That’s not for us.” – Karen DeBeus, Simply Living for Him