• Andrew Pudewa

    Andrew Pudewa is the director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and a father of seven. Traveling and speaking around the world, he addresses issues related to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. His seminars for parents, students, and teachers have helped transform many a reluctant writer and have equipped educators with powerful tools to dramatically improve students’ skills. View Andrew Pudewa’s Books at Amazon.com. Read Mr. Pudewa’s full bio at IEW.com. Click here to view all of Andrew Pudewa’s videos

  • Andrew Kern

    Andrew Kern is founder and president of the CiRCE Institute the founding author of The Lost Tools of Writing, and co-author of the best-selling book Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America. View Andrew Kern’s books on Amazon. Read Mr. Kern’s full bio at CirceInstitute.org. See all of Andrew Kern’s videos     JOIN THE REVOLUTION! Subscribers get immediate access to an exclusive, 45 minute video, Andrew Kern on Classical Education. More subscriber-only content, contests, and giveaways will be announced regularly. [sibwp_form id=1] Here are a few short excerpts from the full video, available only to subscribers. Andrew Kern – “Seek ye First” Andrew Kern – “The Way, the Truth, the…

  • Christopher Perrin, PhD

    Christopher A. Perrin, PhD is the CEO/publisher at Classical Academic Press, and a national leader, author, and speaker for the renewal of classical education. He serves as a consultant to classical schools and is the director of the Alcuin Fellowship and the co-chair of the Society for Classical Learning. View Dr. Perrin’s books on Amazon Read Dr. Perrin’s full bio at Classical Academic Press Click here to view all of Dr. Perrin’s videos.

  • Connie Albers

    “You Can Do It!” Connie Albers is a respected speaker and author for NavPress who has served the homeschooling community for 27 years, as well as homeschooled her five children who are all graduates of the University of Central Florida. She has served as a director and board member for a large state homeschool organization, worked in the political arena as a senior strategist for a successful U.S. Congressional campaign, and has been a Speaker Relations and Events Manager for Apologia Educational Ministries. Click here to view all of Connie’s videos. “If Not You, Then Who?” Connie Albers on Family  

  • “The Eighth Wonder Of the World”

    For a few thousand years, the apprentice/journeyman system was responsible for many of the most impressive minds and creative works in human history. Under this system, young men and women would sit at the feet of, and work alongside their parents, teachers, rabbis, and mentors. This system was sufficient to breed the great philosophers, mathematicians, astronomers, physicists, poets, authors, playwrights, architects, composers, musicians, painters, sculptors, clockmakers, and mechanical engineers of antiquity. Under this system we got the Sistine Chapel, Romeo and Juliet, The Roman Aqueducts, the Antikathyra mechanism, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Solomon’s Temple, and Beethoven’s “9th Symphony.” Some of these great works have endured for millennia, but my…

  • Homeschool Movie

    There’s a revolution transforming American education and it’s not happening in the classroom. Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution is a feature-length documentary intended to encourage and equip homeschool families to start strong and finish well. The movie follows host, Yvette Hampton, as she travels the country with her family talking with education experts, curriculum developers, college and university faculty and administrators, and homeschooling families at every stage in the process, from kindergarten to college graduation and beyond. As viewers follow Yvette on this journey and share in her challenges and victories as a homeschool mom, they will gather the necessary resources and encouragement to homeschool their own children with excellence. You…

  • Testimonials

    Here’s what people are saying about Schoolhouse Rocked. “I’ve been concerned for decades with the effect the public education system is having on our nation’s youth. And it has only gotten worse in recent years. Our precious children (and grandchildren) are much too important to entrust to a system that seeks to indoctrinate them with the radical ideology of the Left. Schoolhouse Rocked is excellent and a wonderful testimony to the growing popularity of home schooling and the superior education that it provides young people.” – Dr. James Dobson “Schoolhouse Rocked will rock your educational world to the foundations and give you and your kids great hope for the future! The…